Preset plan

Before starting your work with SimpleOne ITSM, preset the system by following the steps below:

  1. Configure the Organization data.
  2. Create Employees.
  3. Create User Groups.
  4. Configure the Knowledge Base Dictionary.
  5. Fill in the Knowledge Base.
  6. Fill in the Service Catalog.
  7. Customize the Configuration Database.
  8. Configure the SLA.
  9. Configure email processing.
  10. (optional) Customize system appearance.
  11. (optional) Customize your notifications.

Role required: admin.

Configure the Organization data

Description: Before you start the system preset, make sure you have completed the organization structure configuration.

To specify the Organization data, follow the steps below:
  1. Fill in the Locations List.
  2. Fill in the Companies List.
  3. Create your work Schedules.
  4. Set the Timezones you use in the system:
    1. Navigate to System Localization → Timezones.
    2. Click New to add a new timezone.
    3. Fill in the Title field with the timezone name.
    4. Fill in the Parent field to specify a parent timezone for your custom one. Learn more about this topic: Timezones
    5. To activate a timezone, mark the Active checkbox.
    6. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

Create Employees

Description: The Employees list keeps records with information about persons who work for your organization according to the employment contracts.

To create Employees, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to Organization → Employees.
  2. Fill in the Employees list by creating records.

    When creating an employee, selecting the User view allows configuring user access to the system. This view shows all detailed information about employee account and login settings.

Create User Groups

Description: The Groups list contains all groups that are used to unite users by a common purpose or to classify them by specific attributes.

To create a User Group, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to User Administration → Groups.
  2. Fill in the Groups list with group records.
  3. Specify Group Roles.

    If you need to create a new role, see the Roles article.

Configure the Knowledge Base Dictionary

Description: This KB Dictionary category contains the following components specifying the Knowledge Base structure:

  • Content DB – determine the databases for KB content items storing.
  • Content Category – create the category definition for Knowledge Base items for further categorization as Known Errors, Articles, etc.
  • Content Item Class – create the classes that define the content item purpose and application area (external/internal).
Before you start to fill the Knowledge Base with content items, complete the configuration using the KB Dictionary features:

1. Configure the KB dictionary for storing your service descriptions and SLA documentation following the steps below:

a. Create a Content DB (ex. IT Service Catalogue).

b. Create a Content Category (ex. Article).

c. Create a Content Item Class (ex. Service Description, SLA, OLA, UC, and etc.).

Complete the next step, if the Master Data is not imported.

2. Configure the KB dictionary for storing Known Errors used within the Problem Management functionality:

a. Create a Content DB (ex. Known Errors Database).

b. Create a Content Category (ex. Known Error).

c. Create a Content Item Class (ex. Known Error).

Complete the next step, if the Master Data is not imported.

3. Add the following Menu Items to the navigation menu:

  • Add Articles (External) - for external service specifications.
  • Add Articles - for internal service specifications.
  • Add KEDB - for Known Errors Database.

Fill in the Knowledge Base

Description: Within Knowledge Base, storage your Service descriptions and SLA documentation as Content Items. This information is available for end-users as external service specifications.

Fill the Knowledge Base with the following content:
  1. Add Service Descriptions and Service SLAs as content items.
  2. In addition to Service descriptions and SLAs, you can fill the Knowledge Base with the content items of other sorts.

Fill in the Service Catalogue

Description: Service Catalogue Management grants your customers actual information and details about the provided IT Services and their statuses.

Fill in the Service Catalog following the steps below:
  1. Create Services in the Service Pipeline menu and specify them with descriptions, SLAs, and other content items of the Knowledge Base.

    When filling the Service Catalogue, for your convenience, you can create a Master Service as a higher item in the service hierarchy.

  2. Set your Services to Active state to make them visible to end-users.

Customize the Configuration Database

Description: A Configuration Management Database collects and stores all configuration records about the attributes and relationships of your CIs. It provides to identify IT services and their various components as CIs and to determine them with the custom types.

Configure the CMDB following the steps below:
  1. Create CI Types such as IT service components.
  2. Create Configuration Items.
Also, you can establish CI Relationships to build the Service Dependency map.

Configure the SLA/OLA

Description: SimpleOne SLM methods and tools are designed to keep and manage information about IT Service quality targets and their values.

Configure the SLA following the steps below:
  1. Before configuring your SimpleOne SLM solution, create Contracts:
    1. Navigate to Contracts → Contract.
    2. Click New, and fill in the form.
    3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.

      Go to the Contract article to find a more in-depth instruction on how to create contracts.

  2. Setup IT Service, Contracts, and SLA relationships;
  3. Create Agreements and Commitments;
  4. Create Indicators.

Configure email processing

Description: Configuring your email subsystem will allow you to use all related features, such as:

  • Using embedded email client and integrating it with your office software
  • Processing emails with Inbound Email Actions
    • Thus, you'll be able to set up, for example, creating tasks out of letters by sending emails.

To use all the features of sending and receiving emails in SimpleOne, complete the email processing configuration.

Follow the steps below to make your email services available in the system:
  1. Create an account using email server.
  2. Configure SimpleOne Email account with your account settings.
  3. (recommended) Configure Inbound Email Actions to define actions on triggers specified.

Set up and customize Self-Service Portal

To provide a high-quality service, set up a Self-Service Portal allowing your inner customers to cooperate with helpdesk department raising tickets, tracking progress, using Knowledge Base. For more information, please refer to the Portals section.

For information about how to develop new portal widgets and add them to portal pages, please refer to Widgets pages.

Customizing system appearance

See the Branding customization article to change the system appearance. Here are some system properties which would help you.

To perform this, navigate to System Properties → All Properties.

Property name



Specify the title for the button leading to the main page.


Specify URL for the button leading to the main page.


URI, where the current instance branding favicon is stored. 


Attachment that is the source of the logo on main page. 


Title for the main page.


Specify the page ID to define it as the main page. If not specified, then the default page is displayed.


Defines system language available for users set by default. An authorization property

Defines a message that users see when clicking Help on the login page. 

In SimpleOne OOB, this property is implemented in two instances: is for Russian message, and simple.auth_page.help_info.en is for English message.

Customizing notifications

Customize your ITSM notifications (these that are sent by trigger within an incident, request or other ITSM-related entity). To perform this, navigate to System Properties → All Properties and edit the property you need to redefine. For more information, please refer to the Email Properties article.

Property nameDescription


Link to an image displayed in additional comment.


Specify a color hex code for the brand main button. For example, enter #E31450 for red.

Specify a contact email of the service desk department. This email will be displayed in the notification.

Specify the URL of the contact page (where a consumer can contact with an agent or leave a feedback).

Specify displayable title of the contact page URL defined by the property.

For more efficiency, it is recommended to use these two properties ( and itsm.notification.instance_href) synchronously.

Specify contact phone of service desk department.


Specify URL for the instance referred in the notification.


Specify URL for the logo displayed in the notification.


Specify email contact of service desk department.


Specify a displayable title for service desk email contact defined by the 

itsm.notification.servicedesk_href property.

For more efficiency, it is recommended to use these two properties (itsm.notification.servicedesk_href and itsm.notification.servicedesk_title) synchronously.


This property allows defining the image URL for the spacer block in email notifications at the left and right sides and on the bottom of the content part.


This property allows defining the image URL for the spacer block in email notifications at the comments block (for notifications that use task comment mapping, like A comment is added notification).


Specify the image URL to display as user avatar in notifications containing comments.


Link to an image displayed in work note.


  • No labels


  1. Anonymous

    Шампуни убирающие желтизну созданы для нейтрализации желтизны на светлых волосах. Подходят как для натуральных, так и для окрашенных локонов. В состав входят фиолетовые пигменты, которые устраняют желтизну и усиливают сияние.