SimpleOne Notifications

Here, you can find a list of system notifications available out-of-the-box.

Announcement notification



Target Audience

Announcement reviewThis notification is sent when an announcement state changes to Review.Reviewers
Announcement publishThis notification is sent when an announcement state changes to Published.Recipients

See the Announcements article to learn more.

Approval notifications



Target Audience

Mandatory approvalsThis notification contains an approval request for mandatory recipients.Mandatory recipients
Non-mandatory approvalsThis notification contains an approval request for non-mandatory recipients.Non-mandatory recipients

See the My Approvals and Approval Management articles to learn more.

ITSM Tasks notifications


DescriptionTarget Audience
Task createdThis notification is sent when a new task of any type is created.Caller, Follower
Task commentedThis notification is sent after commenting on a task.Caller, Follower
Task completedThis notification is sent after a task state changes to Completed.Caller, Follower
Attention RequiredThis notification is sent when the Attention Required checkbox has been marked on the Incident or Request form.Managers

Incident notifications



Target Audience

Incident is registeredThis notification is sent when a new incident is registered (manually by the agent or reclassified out of a user query).Caller
Incident is assignedThis notification is sent when an incident is assigned to a responsible group or to a responsible person (the state changes to Assigned).Caller, Assigned User, Assigned Group
Incident is in progressThis notification is sent when incident processing starts (the state changes to In Progress).Caller
Incident is postponedThis notification is sent when incident processing has been postponed for a known period (the state changes to Postponed).Caller
Incident is resubmittedThis notification is sent when a postponed incident has been taken into processing: the state changes to In Progress either automatically (on the specified day and time defined in the Resubmission field) or manually by an agent.Assigned User
Additional information neededThis notification is sent when additional information is requested to proceed with this incident (the state changes to Information Needed).Caller
Incident external processingThis notification is sent when incident processing passes to the 3rd party (the state changes to External Processing).Caller
Incident is completedThis notification is sent after incident state changes to Completed.Caller
A comment is addedThis notification is sent when a comment is added in the Additional Comments field.Caller, Assigned User
Incident is rejected by userThis notification is sent when an incident is rejected by the caller.Assigned User
Incident is closed (by caller)This notification is sent when an incident is closed by the caller (the state changes to Closed).Assigned User
Incident is closed (automatically)This notification is sent when an incident is closed automatically (the state changes to Closed).Caller
Multiple rejectsThis notification is sent when an incident has been rejected more than once. Each next rejection initiates the notification. Manager of the Assigned User
Invitation to join a Telegram groupThis notification is sent when a swarming session for a major incident started.

Assigned User, Incident Manager, Service Owner

The list above is set by default, but can be configured. After clicking Start swarming, a new window appears, there you can modify the list of recipients by adding and removing the people involved.

See the Incident Management to learn more.

User query notifications



Target Audience

User query is registeredThis notification is sent when a new user query is received.Caller

See the User Query Management article to learn more.

Problem notifications



Target Audience

Assignment Group is changedThis notification is sent when reassigning a problem from one group to another.Problem manager, the group responsible (group leaders).
Assigned User is changedThis notification is sent when reassigning a problem from one user to another.Problem manager
The problem became a Known ErrorThis notification is sent when a problem has been reclassified as a Known Error.Caller, Incident Manager, Problem Manager, Service owner
Problem state changesThis notification is sent after problem state changes.Caller

Change Request notifications

NotificationDescriptionTarget Auditory
Change request is createdThis notification is sent after the change request is just created and registered.Change Manager
Change request is completedThis notification is sent after the change request state changes to Completed.Change Manager, Stakeholders*
Change request is assignedThis notification is sent after the change request is assigned to a responsible group or person.Follower, Assigned User, Assignment Group
Change request is scheduled This notification is sent after the change request state changes to Scheduled.Follower, Assigned User, Stakeholders*
Change request requires authorizationThis notification is sent after the change request state changes to Authorization.Follower, Assigned User
Change request authorization rejectedThis notification is sent after the change request authorization failed (request state changes to Registered).Follower, Assigned User
New comment is addedThis notification is sent after the change request has additional comments.Follower, Assigned User
Change request requires authorizationThis notification is sent after the change request state changes to Authorization.Approvers
Change request has been authorizedThis notification is sent after the change request has been successfully authorized (state changes to Scheduled).Approvers
Change request is in ProgressThis notification is sent to the assigned users stating that the work on the change tasks to be started.Assigned User, Stakeholders*
Change request post-implementation reviewThis notification is sent when the change request status changes to Post-Implementation review.Stakeholders*
Change Tasks
Change task is cancelledThis notification is sent when a change task has been cancelled.Assigned User
All change tasks are completedThis notification is sent upon completion of all related change tasks.Change Manager, Assigned User
Change task plan is readyThis notification is sent after the associated change task is saved with the Plan Ready checkbox selected.Assigned User 
Authorization is requiredThis notification is sent when all the related change tasks are saved with the Plan Ready checkbox selected.Assigned User 

*Stakeholders – here: the people who may need or want to track the work on the change request. They are not responsible for any part of the change request workflow. Read the article to see how to add them to the recipients list. 

Service Request notifications

NotificationDescriptionComments IncludedTarget Auditory
Request is registeredThis notification is sent when a new service request is registered.NCaller
Approval is requestedThis notification is sent when approval tickets are sent to the approvers. See the Approval Management article to learn more.YCaller
Request is approved

This notification is sent when the service request is approved.

The assigned user receives a notification to start processing the service request.

NCaller, Assigned User
Request is rejectedThis notification is sent when the service request is rejected.YCaller
Request is assignedThis notification is sent to the service request assignee when a service request is approved and assigned to a responsible person (the state changes to Assigned).YAssigned User
Request is assigned to group

This notification is sent to agents included in the assignment group.

If the group is not specified, the field is populated automatically with the default group defined by the itsm_request.default.assignment_group property.

YAssignment Group
Assigned User is changedThis notification is sent when reassigning the service request from one group to another.YAssigned User
Assignment Group is changedThis notification is sent when reassigning the service request from one user to another.YAssignment Group
Request is in progressThis notification is sent when the service request processing starts (the state changes to In Progress).YCaller
Request is postponedThis notification is sent when the service request processing has been postponed for a known period (the state changes to Postponed).NCaller
Request is resubmitted

This notification is sent when the postponed service request has been taken into processing: the state changes to In Progress either automatically (on specified day and time defined in the Resubmission field) or manually by an agent.

NAssigned User
Additional information requestedThis notification is sent when additional information has been requested to proceed with this service request (the state changes to Information Needed).NCaller
Request external processingThis notification is sent when the service request processing passes to the 3rd party (the state changes to External Processing).NCaller
Request is completedThis notification is sent after the service request state changes to Completed.YCaller
A comment is addedThis notification is sent when a comment is added in the Additional Comments field.YCaller
A comment is addedThis notification is sent when a comment is added in the Additional Comments or Work Notes field.YAssigned User
Rejected by userThis notification is sent when the service request state is changed by user from Completed to Rejected by User.YAssigned User
Multiple rejectsThis notification is sent when a service request has been rejected more than once. Each next rejection initiates the notification. NManager of the Assigned User
Request is closed

This notification is sent when the service request state is changed from Completed to Closed by the caller.

NAssigned User
Request is closed (automatically)This notification is sent when the service request state is changed from Completed to Closed automatically.NCaller

To learn how to create new notification rules or modify existing ones, please refer to the Notifications article.

See the Service Request Management article to learn more.

User notifications



Target Audience

Password changesThis notification is sent when a user changes the password of another user. The message contains a link to the New Password page.Password owner
Reset password for new userThis notification is sent when a new user record is inserted. The message contains a link to the New Password page.New user

See the Resetting a password and Password resetting configuration articles to learn more.


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