Approvals can be defined for any record, the processing of which may require such a step. For example, absence, vacation, change request, etc. The approvals are automatically created according to a specified approval rule or within the workflow with the User-approval activity. Approvals allow users or groups to be associated with a record for the purpose of either approving or rejecting it.

An approval ticket is a record in the Approval (sys_approval) table, which the system transitions to every user responsible for the approval: one ticket per user. It is the ticket you see on the My Approvals page, that is, a user approves or rejects tickets. Tickets, in their turn, are compiled into approvals associated with one record (task, request, change request, etc.).

Read the Approvals Management article to learn more about tickets, approval rules.

To proceed to the My Approvals page on the Self-Service Portal (SSP), perform the following steps:

  1. Open the portal main page.
  2. Click on Cabinet and choose My Approvals.

My Approvals interface

In Simpleone, the My Approvals page is displayed as below:

You can find a particular approval or create a selection of approvals with particular field values using the available filters:

  • Keyword search – enter the word that an approval should contain in its Display Name or Item display name.
  • Filter by date – choose the Begin date and the End date of the approval creation.
  • Filter by state – select the state you need: Requested, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled.

By opening a record from the list, a read-only form of the item is displayed. Here you can leave a comment (it is the only editable field), approve, or reject the approval. 

The two widgets on the form are:

  • Summary is on the right and contains basic information on the approval item.
  • Activity feed is on the bottom and displays all the comments and history.

You can configure the information display by creating a form view. Name the view "portalApproval" and place the field in one column, not using split elements or sections.

The Comment field is mandatory in case of rejection.

If the ticket is approved, you will be redirected to the Approved message page. Click Go to the list of approvals to get back to the My Approvals page.

If the ticket is rejected, a popup window Reason of rejection will appear. Fill in the comment field and click Reject to complete the rejection. You will be redirected to the Rejected message page. Click Go to the list of approvals to get back to the My Approvals page.

If the ticket has already been approved or rejected by another user (in case the Approval Abortion Rule does not require all users to approve or reject), you will be redirected to the The decision has already been taken message page. In the Participants drop-down list you can see all the users who took part in the approval process and their decisions. Click Go to the list of approvals to get back to the My Approvals page.

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