In SimpeOne, a record is the basic entity for storing and representing information. In the agent interface you can work with a record using either form or list view.
Both users and processes can interact with any record. These interactions are represented by the CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. Depending on the access control list (ACL) settings, some users or groups may have no access to all or some of these operations for a record or some of its fields.
Create a record
You can create a new record via the agent interface in several ways:
Click New on the list view of the required table.
Click New in any record form of the required table.
Click Create Recordin the configuration form of the required table.
Click next to a reference type field related to the required table.
Fill in the fields of an existing record with new values and create a copy of the record.
Read a record
When reading a record, the user of the system sees the available content of the record, i.e., attributes and their values.
Edit a record
To edit a record via the agent interface you can either change values in the fields of the record form, or use the inline editing on the list view.
Delete a record
You can delete a record via the agent interface in one of the following ways:
In the list view of the table containing the record you need to delete:
Select the required records using checkboxes to the left of the list.
ClickDeletein the top right corner.
SelectDelete in the burger menu of the form of the record you need to delete.
You can restore the deleted records from the Record Deletion Log(sys_record_deletion_log), if the table that contained the deleted record has the Record deletion logging checkbox selected.