You can perform quick data exporting from your list view into various formats for the sake of further deploying on other instances. In SimpleOne, you can export your list into Excel and JSON formats.
To export a list, please complete the steps below:
- Navigate to a list you need to export.
- Customize it using a List layout (you need to have admin privileges for this) or a Personal list layout to have just needed set of columns displayed in the preferred order.
- Filter out a list with Condition Builder if necessary.
- Right-click on the title area and select the Export to Excel or Export to JSON items (depending on the required format) in the context menu.
- Specify the file name and click Save.
{ "itsm_incident": [ { "sys_created_by": 155931135900000001, "caller": 155931135900000001, "sla_due": null, "comments": null, "sys_created_at": "2020-09-07 08:43:02", "due_date": null, "impact": "1", "parent_id": null, "priority": "1", "state": "-2", "sys_updated_at": "2020-09-07 08:43:25", "sys_updated_by": 155931135900000001, "urgency": "1", "closed_by": null, "contact": null, "screenshot": null, "subject": "test", "active": true, "additional_comments": null, "attention_required": true, "company": null, "display_name": "INC0000322 test", "sys_id": 159946818218525099, "watcher_list": null, "assigned_user": 157416146011669937, "description": "", "number": "INC0000322", "assignment_group": 157417569011449935, "opened_by": null, "escalation": null, "closed_at": null, "opened_at": "2020-09-07 08:43:01", "subcategory": null, "master_incident": null, "infrastructure_incident": false, "resubmission": null, "category": null, "reject_count": null, "chronology": "", "knowledge": false, "major_incident": false, "slave_incidents": "", "copy_cis_to_originators": false, "agent_satisfaction": null, "actual_end_datetime": null, "planned_start_datetime": null, "resolved_at": null, "caused_by_changes": "", "level_of_dependency": null, "solved_by_changes": "", "service_satisfaction": null, "contact_type": "10", "related_cis": "157477515313727442", "closure_notes": "", "complete_originators": false, "related_incidents": null, "related_problems": "", "planned_end_datetime": null, "related_articles": "", "resolved_by": null, "actual_start_datetime": null, "has_breached": false, "related_inquiry": null, "closure_code": null, "known_error": null, "rererer": null, "nenenenenen": null, "steps_to_reproduce": "", "short_description": null, "work_notes": null, "wf_executing_activity": null, "service": 157416651911910348, "sys_db_table_id": 156950677111866258, "followers_list": "" },
Если необходимо выгрузить записи для импорта в Excel следует учитывать:
- В данный момент для полей типа List, Document ID, Choice могут быть выгружены только отображаемые значения.
Для обеспечения консистентности данных:
- Если справочник является дочерним – выгружать записи необходимо с листового представления дочернего справочника.
- Данные для импорта должны быть выгружены в Excel с листового представления на которое выведены все поля справочника
- Поля типа Reference перед экспортом должны быть выведены через dotWalking. Например, для выгрузки значений Reference поля Caller необходимо вывести на листовое представление Caller -> ID
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