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You can make announcements available for unauthorized users on theSelf-Service Portal

 (SSP) allows access to unauthorized users if your processes need it. So your partners do not have

. In this case, you share an announcement link with partners and clients who do not need to log into the system to read

an announcement. By default, this

it. This feature is disabled by default, but you can enable it. 

To activate the feature

and share your pages with partners and other users.

>>>> SCREENSHOT <<<<



in this process,

you should select the




checkboxes in relevant



  • Announcement portal page record in the
  • Page
  • table.
  • Announcement widget instance record in the

  • Widget Instance (sys_widget_instance) table.


If a page contains several widgets, you can should allow access to those of them you want to share or to all of them. Otherwise, the system will display an empty page.

Making the Announcement page public

You can allow access to announcements to



, that is, to those

who do not have a user account and/or have not logged in


This operation is carried out in two steps:

  • Configuring relevant portal pages.
  • Configuring relevant widget instance


    To configure


    the announcement portal page,


    complete the


    steps below:

    1. Navigate
    1. to Portal Structure → Pages.
    2. Find the Announcement record using the search boxes or the Condition Builder and open it.
    3. In
    the Options 
    1. the Options section, select the
    1.  Public checkbox.
    Click Save or 
    1. Click Save or Save and
    1. Exit to apply changes.

    To configure

    a portal page, perform the following steps:
    1. Navigate to Portal Structure → Pages.
    2. Find the Announcement List record using the search boxes or the Condition Builder.
    3. In the Options section, select the Public checkbox.
    4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply changes.
    To configure a

    the announcement widget instance, perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate
    1. to Portal Structure → Widget Instances.
    2. Find the Announcement Page Portal Widget record using the search boxes or the Condition Builder and open it.
    3. Select the Public checkbox.
    4. Click Save 
    1. or Save and Exit to apply changes.

    As a result:

    When an unauthorized user follows
    • Unauthorized users follow a link to a published announcement, they
    will be able to see
    • can read it without logging in.
    • Unauthorized
    users cannot
    • users can open other
    articles in the system. To see the article, they need a direct link. This way you can restrict access to other articles
    • records displayed in the Last Announcements widget.

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