A lead is a potential customer who is insterested in your product or service. . They leave their contact information by creating a request, ordering a call or specifying their email on the feedback form. The leads can be qualified after the receiving additional information from the potential customer. A qualified lead creates an opportunity.  

Leads can be added automatically using the REST API (for example, when the potential customers fill in the form on the site or send an email), or you can create them manually via the agent interface.

Role required: crm_marketeer, crm_admin, crm_sales, crm_manager.

To create a lead, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Sales → Leads.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes. 

Lead form fields 

NameYAdd the title of the lead.
Lead sourceY

Specify the lead source. Available options:

  • Self-generation
  • Website form
  • Chat
  • Call
  • Email
  • Social network
  • Partner
Lead company nameNThe title of the interested company. The user who created a ticket fills in the field.
Company nameY

Specify the title of the company that showed interest. The employee who processes a request fills in the field. 

The field is only available if the Existing company field is empty.

Company websiteY

Specify the URL to the website of the company that showed interest.

The field is only available if the Existing company field is empty.

Company TINYSpecify the company's TIN. The value must contain 9, 10 or 12 digits. 
New companyNSelect the checkbox if the lead is added for the company that is not added to the system.
Existing companyY

Select the company for which the lead is added. The field is filled in by the employee processing the request.

The field is only available if the checkbox New company is not selected.

CampaignNSpecify the marketing campaign that attracted the lead.
Selling directionYSpecify the selling direction to which the lead is related.
Service or productNSpecify the service or product that interested the lead.
New contactNSelect the checkbox if the lead came from a contact that is not added to the list.
First nameY

Specify the first name of the contact.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is selected.

Last nameY

Specify the last name of the contact.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is selected.

Middle nameN

Specify the middle name of the contact.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is selected.

Contact phoneN

Specify the phone number of the contact.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is selected.

Contact emailN

Specify the email of the contact.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is selected.

Existing contactY

Specify the existing contact that the lead is related to.

The field is only available if the New contact checkbox is cleared.

DescriptionNAdd a description of customer's demands.
OwnerNSpecify the employee responsible for the lead.
CityNSpecify the city where the lead company is located.
Content distribution channelNSpecify the content distribution channel the lead came from.
Lead Qualification tab
GoalNSpecify what problem is going to be solved within the request, and what is wrong with the current situation.
Implementation optionsNSpecify other implementation options considered by the potential customer.
Budget is setNSelect the checkbox if the customer's budget is set.
Estimated amountNSpecify the estimated amount of the customer's budget.
BudgetNSpecify the exact amount of the customer's budget if it is set.
Procurement procedureN

Specify the procurement procedure used by the potential customer. Available options:

  • Internal closed competition
  • Internal open competition
  • Formal internal tender
  • Tender on the electronic platform
  • Other
Decision levelN

Select who will make the decision on the lead. Available options:

  • Contact person
  • Manager of a contact person
  • Top management

Specify the time period within which the potential customer expects to receive the solution to their query. Available options:

  • None
  • Month
  • Two months
  • Six months
  • Year
  • More than year
Estimated close dateNSpecify the expected closing date of the deal. If you selected one of the options in the Terms field, the Estimated close date field is filled in automatically.
Terms (comments)NAdd comments about the terms.
Contact person levelN

Specify the level of the contact person in the potential customer company hierarchy. Available options:

  • None
  • Transmission link
  • Takes part in decision making
  • Decides single-handedly
Decision makerNSpecify the person that makes decisions in the potential customer company
Influence on decision makingNAdd a detailed description of the decision maker's and other contacts' influence level on the outcome of the lead.
CompetitorsNSpecify the competitor companies that the potential customer has contacted.
Selection criteriaNAdd information about the potential customer's criteria for selecting a service or product provider.
Compliance with criteriaNSpecify ways to show that you meet the potential customer's selection criteria.
ChannelNSpecify the channel used by the potential customer to contact your company or keywords used in the search.

The record contains the following related lists:

  • No labels