You can create potential customer contacts to connect them to the leads, opportunities and companies. By default, only active customer contacts are displayed in the list interface.

Role required: crm_marketeer, crm_admin, crm_sales, crm_manager.

To create a customer contact, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CRM → Sales → Customer contacts.
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes. 

Customer Contact form fields 

First nameYSpecify the contact's first name.
Last nameYSpecify the contact's last name.
Middle nameNSpecify the contact's middle name.
BirthdayNSpecify the contact's birthday date.
Do not send emailsNSelect the checkbox if the contact does not want to receive emails.
Do not callNSelect the checkbox if the contact does not want to receive phone calls.
Is userNSelect the checkbox if there is an account in the system for this contact.

Specify the account of this contact in the system.

The field is only available if the Is user checkbox is selected.

Contact preferencesN

Specify the preferred connection method of this contact. Available options:

  • Any
  • Work phone
  • Mobile phone
  • Email
NotesNAdd detailed information about the contact.
Working data tab
CompanyNSpecify the company of this contact.
ManagerNSpecify the manager of this contact.
Job titleNSpecify the job title of this contact.
CertificateNSpecify the certificate of this contact.
TimezoneNSpecify the timezone of this contact.
LanguageNSpecify the language used by the contact.
Contacts tab
Mobile phoneNSpecify the personal phone number of the contact.
Mobile phone 2NSpecify the second personal phone number of the contact.
Work phoneNSpecify the work phone number of the contact.
EmailNSpecify the email of the contact.
Email 2NSpecify the second email of the contact.
Other contactsNSpecify the additional ways of communication with the contact.

The form contains the Activity Feed widget. Only users with the crm_marketeercrm_admincrm_salescrm_manager roles can leave comments there.

The record contains the following related lists:

Navigate to CRM → Sales → Customer contacts to see previously created customer contacts. Open the Customer Contact record to manage it. The actions available for the existing customer contacts:

  • Generate login – click to add an account for the contact. Specify the email. The newly created account is not automatically assigned with any roles in the system automatically.
  • Add to marketing list – click to add the contact to the marketing list. The action is only available for the crm_sales, crm_manager roles.

  • No labels