The SimpleOne system stores all the form views created, along with the specified elements of these layouts. 

Role required: admin.

When SimpleOne administrators create or change form layout views, the system stores all these changes in the tables listed below.

Manage view items

Use these system tables if you want to manage forms, sections, and other elements of the records view:

  • Form View (sys_ui_form) 
  • UI Form Element (sys_ui_form_element)
  • Form Section Element (sys_ui_form_section)
  • Related List (sys_ui_related_list)
  • Related List Element (sys_ui_related_list_element)
  • UI Formatters (sys_ui_formatter)

It is not recommended to delete the Default views and sections of the list and form layouts. 

Form View

System name: sys_ui_form

Description: This table contains form view configurations. It consists of the following fields: 




TableYThe table that is the parent for the view.
UserNThe owner of the form. If user = null, then the view is shared.
TitleYThe view title.

UI Form Element

System name: sys_ui_form_element

Description: The table contains configuration records of section elements. It consists of the following fields:




Form split element typeN

This column stores information about the kind of element. If it is a break-up element, it specifies the type:

  • begin_split
  • end_split
  • split
ColumnYThe column that is the form section element.
PositionYThe element position inside the section.
Form sectionYThe section that is the parent for the element.

This column stores the formatter name and shares info about the element: whether the element is a widget and what kind of widget it is.

Form Section Element

System name: sys_ui_form_section

Description: The table contains configuration records of form section views. It consists of the following fields:




FormYThe form view that is the parent for the section.
PositionYThe tab order on the form view. The first section is general and will not be a tab.
TitleNThe title of the form.

Related List

System name: sys_ui_related_list

Description: This table contains configurations of the related lists. See Related Lists to learn more. It consists of the following fields:




TitleYThe related list title.
TableYThe table that is the parent for the related list.
UserNThe owner of the related list. If user = null then the list is shared.
FormNThe form view that is the parent for the related list.

Related List Element

System name: sys_ui_related_list_element

Description: This table contains configurations of the elements of the related lists. It consists of the following fields:




TitleYThe related list element title.
Related listYThe related list that is the parent for the element.
Related tableNThe table that contains records for the element.
Related columnNThe column that referenced to other list.
Related list scriptNThe related script that creates a list. See Scripted Related Lists to learn more.
OrderYThe elements order.


A formatter is a form element used for displaying information that is not a record field. You can add formatters to a form while configuring a form.

In SimpleOne, the most common formatter is implemented – the Activity formatter. It displays the list of activities on a task form.

To set up a formatter, complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to System Settings → UI formatter
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

UI formatter form fields

NameYSpecify a formatter name.
ActiveNSelect this checkbox to activate the formatter.
TableYSpecify a table where the formatter should be used (for example, Task).
TypeNOnly the Formatter option is available in the "out-of-the-box" solution.
FormatterYSelect a predefined formatter template.

  • No labels