In SimpleOne, email processing (sending and receiving) is performed via the Email (sys_email) table. This table stores information about all received and sent messages in the system. Incoming email check is performed once a minute automatically. Outgoing emails are created by the system when conditions defined in a notification rule are met.

To read your inbox, navigate to System Mailboxes → Incoming Emails. In this section, you can find all your incoming emails on the list view.

To check sent messages, navigate to System Mailboxes → Outgoing Emails. Here, you can find all outgoing emails on the list view.

Use the Condition Builder tool and filtering to make a specific selection or to find a message you need. You can also configure a personal list layout to see the information you need.

Every email is represented as a table record.

Incoming emails contain attachments in the .eml format, that is a copy of the original letter. If the original letter contains files, they will also be attached to the record.

To enable or disable email receiving and sending, you can configure the and properties. 

Emails form fields

SubjectYEmail subject. It should be entered in plain text as described in RFC 822.
FromYThe sender address.
ToYThe recipient address.
Body (Plain Text)Y

The message content in plain text: service information, such as HTML tags, CSS styles and options, others are discarded automatically.

If the message does not contain values for this field, it is populated with the Body (HTML) field (with no service information as well).

Body (HTML)N

The message content in HTML based on the rich text format. The following features are available:

  • Headings
  • Text effects
  • Text aligning
  • Text and background coloring
  • Font sizes
  • Media uploading
  • Numbered and bulleted lists
  • Tables and blocks
  • Hyperlinks.

The message statuses.

To learn about the statuses in detail, see the Email Statuses section in this article.



The type of new message. Depending on the type, the Inbound Email Actions are executed.

To learn about the types in detail, see the Email Types section in this article.

Content TypeNThis header is used to specify the MIME type of data in the letter. For example: text/html; image/png. This letter contains HTML text and a PNG image.
Created on Server atNThis field displays the date and time when the message was received. This field is populated automatically.

Email direction. Available options:

  • Incoming
  • Outgoing
Email AccountNThe email account used for sending or receiving emails. Configuring email accounts is described in the Email Accounts article.
Created byY

This field is populated automatically with the reference to the sender account.

The value 'system' in this field means that a letter was created as the result of a system event processing.

For more information, refer to the Notifications article.

CriteriaNThe field is filled in automatically. It is the criterion based on which the letter is downloaded from email boxes.
Target DocumentNSpecify the record to which the letter refers. The Document ID type field. 
HeadersNDefine the headers of the letter.
Email IDNSpecify the email ID on the server. The number is stored in the IMAP protocol.
Reply ToNSpecify the email address to which response messages are sent. 
Carbon CopyNSpecify the addresses of secondary recipients.
Blind Carbon CopyNSpecify recipient addresses that will be hidden from other recipients. 

Email Statuses

Incoming and outgoing emails proceed through the statuses listen in the table below:

AttachingThe attachments are being downloaded. After it is done, the state changes to Ready.
ReadyThe message is ready for further processing.
In ProcessThe message is in delivery process now.
ProcessedThe message was handled correctly (sent or received, depending on the Direction field value).
FailedMessage processing was unsuccessful for some reasons. See the Troubleshooting section of this article to learn how to handle an issue.

The message is inactive and will be ignored.

The Ignored state is set for:

Incoming emails

  • If the sender's email address (in the From field of the Email table) is already stated in the From field of one of the Email accounts in the instance.

Outgoing emails

  • If email sending is deactivated with the system property
  • If the To field is empty.
  • If the Send to self attribute is false and the email has only a notification caller as a recipient, a notification rule creates an email with the Ignored state. To allow users to send messages in this case, set the Send Self attribute in the notification rule. For more information, refer to the Notifications article.

Email Types 

Email Types are used for triggering some Inbound Email Actions.

NewNewly created or received message.

Message re-sent from another email address.

This type is defined by specific words in the message subject. The list of words is defined by the property. For example: fwd:


A reply to one of the previous messages.

This type is defined by specific words in the subject. The list of words is defined by the property. For example: re:

DeliveryMessage about successful message delivery: the receiver got the email. This information is taken from the Content Type field.
CalendarMessage containing an event. This information is taken from the Content Type field.


In the Related Lists area, there is a tab storing logs related to the current message. This list references the Log (sys_log) table storing all logs produced by the system.

If a message is in the Failed or Ignored statuses, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the message you need and scroll down to the Related Lists area.
  2. Click on the Troubleshooting tab.
  3. Open the record.

In the Message field, you find the reason of the error.

Main log field description

SourceYThe source from where the message was produced (IMAP Authorization, SMTP Authorization, Incoming mail, and others).

Message category:

  • Debug – debug message
  • Info – information message
  • Warning – warning message
  • Error – error message.
MessageNThe log message content.
UsernameNThe name of a user who created the log or the system if it was created automatically.
Created byY

Information about who created the record.

Created atYThis field stores information about the record creating date and time.

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