SimpleOne allows creating reports using the Report Designer and directly from the data table.
The Report Designer can stop the report generating if the data amount is too large to display. Use the Condition Builder to limit the data sampling or try another type of report. |
Create report from list layout
You can create a report via list layout directly from the list view using a table column as the grouping criteria.
Pie and Bar charts are only available for this way of report creating. |
To create a report from a table, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the table you need.
- Click on the table column, which will be a data grouping criteria.
- Select one of the context options:
- In the Report Designer, customize your report data and style in the tabs.
- Click Refresh to see the changes.

- Click Save to apply changes.
Create reports with Report Designer
- Navigate to the Reports → Create New menu.
Set the data.
- Select the type.
- Configure the data.
- Customize the style.
- Click Save to apply changes.
To navigate through the Report Designer, use the Back and Next buttons or click on the tabs after filling in the mandatory fields. |
Specify report data
- On the Data tab, fill in the mandatory fields:
- Name – enter the desired name.
- Table – select the table you need.
- Click Next or the Type tab.

Specify report type
- In the Type tab, select a type of your report.
- Click Next or the Configure tab.

Note that changing existing report type is not allowed. You can create new record with similar data but of another type instead. For this, please complete the steps below: - Open the report you need to clone.
- In the hamburger menu on the report form, click Duplicate.
- Specify necessary data, including new type, for the newly created report.
- Click Save to save this report.
Configure report data
In the Configure tab, fill in the fields determined by the report type selected. The reports of the Bars, Pies, Time Series, and Multidimensional category types have mandatory fields. - Use the Condition Builder to establish additional conditions for your report data filtering and grouping. Click the funnel icon
to open it. - Reports do not the Journal Input fields (the Additinal comments and Work notes fields).
(Optional) Activate the Add Data Table checkbox to add data in table format to your report. This option is available for reports of the following types: Bar, Pie, Line, Trends. |

(Optional) Set the Aggregation Type and select the Aggregation Column of the source data. The data aggregation allows preparing the combined datasets for data processing according to the user needs.
Available Aggregation Type options: This option is available for reports of the following types: Bar, Pie, Gauge, Digits, Line, Trends, Pivot Ttable, Heatmap, Multilevel Pivot Table. |

(Optional) Limit the number of data categories displayed with the Groups Limit option. It limits the number of categories specified in the Group by field. Enter the number you want and set the Show Rest as Other checkbox active, if you want to show the categories not included in the limit as the last group. This option is available for reports of the following types: Bar, Pie, Line, Trends, Pivot Table, Multilevel Pivot Table, Heatmap. |

- Click Refresh to generate a report.
Click Next or the Style tab to customize the report style. - Click Save to save the report.
Customize report style
In the Style tab, configure the style options. Each report type defines its own style settings. |
(Optional) In the General panel, use the Drilldown List Layout option to configure the view of the data slice drilled down. Click the magnifier icon and, in the window appeared, select the desired list view of the source table. 
- Click Refresh to apply the changes.
- Click Save to save the report.

Report types
Bar Reports display categorized data in vertical bars which length is proportional to the data values. Stack or group bars to make the chart representation visual and clear.
This report view is useful for dividing data into categories and comparing them.
Pie Reports display data in a circular graphic divided into slices. The whole graph represents the entire report data with each slice proportionally displaying a particular data category.
This report view is useful to compare the proportions of individual values to the whole.
Gauge Reports represent a single metric value from the data via the gauge panel with a dial on it.
This report view is useful for evaluating the criticality according to the established limits set.
Digit Reports provide a simple digit representation of a single metric value.
This report view is useful for monitoring the critical parameters by clear visual presentation.
Line Reports represent data as a graph of points connected by a line and visualize the metric data values.
This report view is useful for comparing data per time periods (years, months, etc.).
Pivot Reports represent your data in a table view with aggregating, grouping, and analyzing using two metrics as row and column for your chart.
This report view is useful for issues of comparing, summarizing, and counting a large amount of data.
Pivot Tables Reports represent your data in a table view. The data is aggregated, grouped, and analyzed basing on two metrics (as row and column).
This report view is extremely useful for issues of comparing, summarizing, and counting a large amount of data.
List Reports represent table data in a list view.
Heatmap Reports display your data as the intersection of two metrics in a table with colored cells. These cells contain data values visualized with color brightness.
Trend reports show the dynamics of data changes. The data is represented as columns over periods.
This report type is useful for monitoring time parameters.