This section of the documentation is intended for administrators and provides information on various tools to efficiently manage your daily tasks and operations. In the following articles, you will find ways to optimize your workflow, speed up task processing, and configure general system settings such as master data, approval rules request model catalogs, and others.
Get acquainted with two possible ways to create model catalogs to categorize requests.
Learn how to manage data of the important components of the business: employees, organization structure, customers, products, and others.
Find out about the tool that enables faster communication between agents or different departments. Learn how to manage the approvals and customize them to suit your needs.
Discover how to create portal announcements and signatures and configure the portal pages.
Learn how to create articles and categorize the content of the Knowledge Base.
Familiarize yourself with the one of the main tables of the system that allows you to handle different types of tasks.
Learn how to create state models and configure transitions between states.
Discover how to set up autoassignement to different task types.
Learn how to manage WTM records.