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Fields with no choice | Entry on the form | Data in getDisplayValue() | Data in getValue() |
biginteger | 1232886464646464446 | 1232886464646464446 | 1232886464646464446 |
decimal | 123.45 | 123.45 | 123.45 |
duration | 01 day 01 hour 01 minute 01 second | 01 01:01:01 | 90061000 |
encrypted_password | 546789-2ssfd | - | EgKfp1hEhBY9SlUpqO4QGA== |
enum_form_split_element_type | split | split | split |
float | 2222222.2222 | 2222222.2222 | 2222222.2222 |
html | You are on the SimpleOne documentation portal. | <html data-lt-installed="true"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body data-gramm="false" data-lt-tmp-id="lt-752273"> <p>You are on the SimpleOne documentation portal.</p> </body> </html> | <html data-lt-installed="true"> <head> <title></title> </head> <body data-gramm="false" data-lt-tmp-id="lt-752273"> <p>You are on the SimpleOne documentation portal.</p> </body> </html> |
integer | 123 | 123 | 123 |
journal_input | This is my best comment! * The entry disappears after saving the form. | - | - |
json | {"glossary":{"title":"example glossary","GlossDiv":{"title":"S","GlossList":{"GlossEntry":{"ID":"SGML","Abbrev":"ISO 8879:1986","SortAs":"SGML","Acronym":"SGML","GlossDef":{"para":"A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.","GlossSeeAlso":["GML","XML"]},"GlossSee":"markup","GlossTerm":"Standard Generalized Markup Language"}}}}} | {"glossary": {"title": "example glossary", "GlossDiv": {"title": "S", "GlossList": {"GlossEntry": {"ID": "SGML", "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "SortAs": "SGML", "Acronym": "SGML", "GlossDef": {"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]}, "GlossSee": "markup", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language"}}}}} | {"glossary": {"title": "example glossary", "GlossDiv": {"title": "S", "GlossList": {"GlossEntry": {"ID": "SGML", "Abbrev": "ISO 8879:1986", "SortAs": "SGML", "Acronym": "SGML", "GlossDef": {"para": "A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.", "GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]}, "GlossSee": "markup", "GlossTerm": "Standard Generalized Markup Language"}}}}} |
password | The entry disappears after saving the form. | - | $2y$13$OSphZNWbAbAJrvA.J65QhO4Q3eAocDWKXZmAryH1gn/UZZCxHTinO |
percent_complete | 99.00 | 99.00 | 99 |
phone | +79992848090 | +79992848090 | +79992848090 |
script | const callerId = s_form.getValue('caller_id'); if (!callerId) { const callerRecord = new SimpleRecord('employee'); callerRecord.get(callerId, ()=> { if (callerRecord.sys_id && callerRecord.personal_schedule) { s_form.setValue('schedule', callerRecord.personal_schedule); } else { s_form.addInfoMessage('Расписание пользователя не определено'); } }); } | const callerId = s_form.getValue('caller_id'); if (!callerId) { const callerRecord = new SimpleRecord('employee'); callerRecord.get(callerId, ()=> { if (callerRecord.sys_id && callerRecord.personal_schedule) { s_form.setValue('schedule', callerRecord.personal_schedule); } else { s_form.addInfoMessage('Расписание пользователя не определено'); } }); } | const callerId = s_form.getValue('caller_id'); if (!callerId) { const callerRecord = new SimpleRecord('employee'); callerRecord.get(callerId, ()=> { if (callerRecord.sys_id && callerRecord.personal_schedule) { s_form.setValue('schedule', callerRecord.personal_schedule); } else { s_form.addInfoMessage('Расписание пользователя не определено'); } }); } |
smallinteger | 23 | 23 | 23 |
string | A record is selected from the list | '{"name":"John", "age":30, "car":null}' | '{"name":"John", "age":30, "car":null}' |
text | Hello | Hello | Hello |
translated_text | Completed | Сompleted | Completed |
rich _text | Hello | {"root":{"children":[{"children":[{"detail":0,"format":1,"mode":"normal","style":"","text":"Hello","type":"text","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"paragraph","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"root","version":1}} | {"root":{"children":[{"children":[{"detail":0,"format":1,"mode":"normal","style":"","text":"Hello","type":"text","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"paragraph","version":1}],"direction":"ltr","format":"","indent":0,"type":"root","version":1}} |
url | |||
Поля с выбором | |||
boolean | A checkbox is selected | Yes | 1 |
choice | In the drop-down list, the option Changed is selected | Changed | Changed |
color | A yellow color selected in the palette, the field displays the hex of the color #fccb00 | #fccb00 | #fccb00 |
conditions | Active is No | (active=0) | (active=0) |
date | 2000-12-31 | 2000-12-31 | 2000-12-31 |
datetime | 2022-12-22 19:22:22 | 2022-12-22 19:22:22 | 2022-12-22 19:22:22 |
days_of_week | Days selected from the list: Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. | 28 | 28 |
documentId | A record is selected, the field contains a reference with its ID (168068576413762231) | Ленивцы: 168068576413762231 | 0253c0a9-bdeb-6af9-0255-197ad30c42b7 |
fieldName | 155931135900001080 | Assigned User | 155931135900001080 |
image | An Image is attached | 168139165117069552 | 168139165117069552 |
list | A record “Maxim Popov” is selected from the list | Maxim Popov | Maxim Popov |
record_class | The field contains a link to the table. The link appears after saving the form. | - | - |
reference | A record Level is selected. | Level | 167327603510375360 |
template | Policy > Protected | {"1": {"167327603610803300": "Protected"}} | {"1": {"167327603610803300": "Protected"}} |
time | 07:59:22 | 07:59:22 | 07:59:22 |
- No labels