With SimpleOne API, a variety of instance settings is possible. The platform has editing fields for each form view integrated, so that developers and admins can optimize the work logic according to their business needs without switching between different apps on their computers.
SimpleOne API has several groups of classes:
- Server-side API
- Client-side API
- Widgets API
s described later in this documentation.
The client-side API combines multiple classes and methods regarding reading and updating the records, setting the pop-up windows and other UI features.
Use these APIs to change the scripts of the business rules, the system appearance and behavior. Besides, enable attachments, operate with cache, set automatic outgoing emails and messages, manage records, requests, users, and many other SimpleOne functionality.
Set widgets with API to your instance to make it most informative and productive for all the end-users. Set the widgets in HTML and configure their form view, content, and the way the users can interact with it.