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The dependency map is a tool that allows you to visualize the service-resource model of configuration items (CIs) with an IT service at the top

The map has two main components:

  • node – a configuration item. It is displayed as a square in the colored box, indicating the current operational state of the CI.
  • relationship – the relationship between items. Relationships between CIs are displayed with simple-directional or bidirectional arrows.

There are two ways to open the CI dependency map:

  • Click  next to the Source CI or the Recipient CI field on the CI Relationship form to see the hierarchical place of your CI on the map. 

  • Use URL X is the CI ID. The link formed in this way can be used in the navigator for quick access to the map, in user interface actions and widgets, if necessary.

You can create your custom map using the following parameters:

sys_idThe record ID.
essenceThe system name of the Configuration Items (sys_cmdb_ci) child tables.

The name of the server script that returns the required data set.

The data set must be in a certain format, divided into nodes and transitions (relationships) between them.

The following table shows the accordance between color-coded frames and CI states.

CI Frame Color

CI Operational State

RedUnavailable, Maintenance

Create a CI Relationship from Dependency Map

To add a new CI Relationship from the Dependency Map view, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click the required CI and click Create Relationship in the context menu.
  2. Select one of the options:
    • Incoming  to create an incoming connection to your CI
    • Outgoing  to create an outgoing connection from your CI.
  3. Fill in the form.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.

You can also create a relationship between CIs in the CMDB Relationships (sys_cmdb_relationship) table. See the CI Relationships article to learn more.

Change the CI operational state from Dependency Map

To change the CI Relationship operational state from the Dependency Map view, complete the steps below:

  1. Right-click the required CI and click Change Operational State to in the context menu.
  2. Select one of the CI operational states. For more information, see Configuration Management Database. 

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