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The tables below provide information about the available condition operators for specific column types.

Operator Display Name – contains the displayed operator name.

System name – contains the system operator name that is used in condition strings or scripts.

Script – contains the example of the script.

Condition builder – contains the condition and its result.

List of operators

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition builder



current.addQuery('active', true);

current.addQuery('active', '1');

Active is Yes 

The output is all records where the Active field value is Yes only (the attribute value = true).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Boolean
  • Choice
  • Document ID
  • JSON
  • List
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • Phone String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is not


current.addQuery('active', '!=', true);

current.addQuery('active', '!=', '1'); // true

Active is not Yes 

The output is all records where the Active field is not enabled (the attribute value = false).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Boolean
  • Choice
  • Document ID
  • JSON
  • List
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is same


current.addQuery('active', 'sameas', 'published');

Active is same Published 

The output is all records where Active and Published have the same value (both have Yes or No).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Boolean
  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • JSON
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Reference
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is anything

ANYTHINGcurrent.addQuery('active', 'anything');

Active is anything

The following column types have this operator:

  • Boolean
  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • JSON
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Reference
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is different

NSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('active', 'nsameas', 'published');

Active is different Published 

The output is all records where Active and Published have different values (one has Yes and the other has No or vice versa).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Boolean
  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • JSON
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Reference
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is one of

IN// High OR Moderate
current.addQuery('priority', 'in', ['2', '3']);

Priority is one of High, Moderate 

The output is all records where Priority value is "High" or "Moderate".

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Document ID
  • Reference 
  • Record Class
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

is not one of

NOT IN// not High AND not Moderate
current.addQuery('priority', 'not in', ['2', '3']);;

Priority is not one of High, Moderate 

The output is all records where Priority value is any other than "High" or "Moderate"

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Document ID
  • Reference 
  • Record Class
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

greater than

>current.addQuery('state', '>', '3') // High

Priority is greater than High 

The output is all records where Priority value is greater than High.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

less than

<current.addQuery('state', '<', '3') // High

Priority is less than High 

The output is all records where Priority value is less than High.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

greater than or is

=>current.addQuery('state', '=>', '3') // High

Priority is greater than or equal to High 

The output is all records where Priority value is greater than or equal to High.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

less than or is

<=current.addQuery('state', '<=', '3') // High


Priority is less than or equal to High

The output is all records where Priority value is less than or equal to High.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

greater than field

GT_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day greater than field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is greater than the field value of Completed tasks (not including its value).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

less than field

LT_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day less than field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is less than the field value of Completed tasks (not including its value).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

greater than or is field

GT_OR_EQUALS_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day greater than or is field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is greater than the field value of Completed tasks or is equal to the value.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

less than or is field

LT_OR_EQUALS_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day less than or is field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is less than the field value of Completed tasks or is equal to the value.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration



current.addQuery('state', 'between', '1', '3')

// between Low and High

Priority is between Low and High 

The output is all records where Priority value is between "Low" and "High" (Critical priority is not included).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Date
  • Time
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration



current.addQuery('state', 'like', 'publish');

State contains publish 

The output is all records where State contains substring "publish" in choice title.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • Time
  • Document ID
  • Field Name
  • JSON
  • List
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • HTML 
  • Script
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

does not contain

NOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('state', 'notlike', 'publish');

State does not contain publish 

The output is all records where State does not contain these characters in choice title.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • Time
  • Document ID
  • Field Name
  • JSON
  • List
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • HTML 
  • Script
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

starts with

STARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('state', 'startswith', 'publish');

State starts with publish 

The output is all records where State contains these characters at the beginning of choice title.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Field Name
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • HTML 
  • Script
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

ends with

ENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('state', 'endswith', 'ed');


State ends with ed

The output is all records where State contains these characters at the end of choice title.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Field Name
  • Reference
  • Record Class
  • HTML 
  • Script
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is empty

ISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('state', 'isempty'); // None

State is empty 

The output is all records where State does not contain any value (None).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • Document ID
  • Field Name
  • Reference
  • List
  • JSON
  • Image
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL

is not empty

ISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('state', 'isnotempty'); // not None

State is not empty 

The output is all records where State contains any value.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Choice
  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific
  • Document ID
  • Field Name
  • Reference
  • List
  • JSON
  • Image
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration
  • Phone
  • String
  • Text
  • Translated Text
  • URL



current.addQuery('expired_at', '2019-01-01');

current.addQuery('expired_at', '=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at on 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at field value is "2019-01-01" exactly.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time

not on

NOTONcurrent.addQuery('expired_at', '!=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at not on 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is any value but "2019-01-01".

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time


<current.addQuery('expired_at', '<', '2019-01-01');

Expire at before 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at date before "2019-01-01".

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time


>current.addQuery('expired_at', '>', '2019-01-01');

Expire at after 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at date after "2019-01-01".

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time

at or before

<=current.addQuery('expired_at', '<=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at at or before 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is "2019-01-01" or the date before it.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time

at or after

>=current.addQuery('expired_at', '>=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at at or after 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is "2019-01-01" or the date after it.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Time

year is

YEAR_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'year_is', '2020');

Expire at year is 2020 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding year.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

month is

MONTH_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'month_is', '9');

Expire at month is September 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding month.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

quarter is

QUARTER_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'quarter_is', '2');

Expire at quarter is II 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding quarter.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

week is

WEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'week_is', '32');


Expire at week is 32

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding week.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

day is

DAY_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'day_is', '10');

Expire at day is 10 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding day of a month (10th day of any month).

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

day of week is

DAY_OF_WEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'day_of_week_is', '1');

Expire at day of the week is Monday 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding day of the week.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date
  • Date/Time Specific

hour is

HOUR_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'hour_is', '10');


Created at hour is 10

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding hour.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Date/Time Specific
  • Time


AREcurrent.addQuery('keywords', 'are', 'mail');

Keywords are mail 

The output is all records where the Full text search column contains the corresponding value.

The operator is available for the columns of String type whose name is keyword.


HAScurrent.addQuery('categories', 'has', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');

Categories has Article, Model 

The output is all records where Categories contains the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has Article, Model"
and "Categories has Model, Article" are different conditions.

To get all records with Article, Model categories build the following condition:

Categories has Article AND Categories has Model

The operator is available for the columns of List type.

has not

HASNOTcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'hasnot', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');

Categories has not Article, Model 

The output is all records where Categories does not contain the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has not Article, Model"
and "Categories has not Model, Article" are different conditions.

To exclude all records with "Article" and "Model" categories build the following condition:

Categories has not Article AND Categories has not Model

The operator is available for the columns of List type.

contains (dynamic)

CONTAINS_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'contains_dynamic', '160516373014385744');

Followers contains (dynamic) Me 

The output is all records where Followers contains ID of the current user. Using dynamic filters returning sequence of IDs is not right because the sequence is taken into account. 

The operator is available for the columns of List type.

does not contain (dynamic)

DOESNOTCONTAIN_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'doesnotcontain_dynamic', '160516373014385744');


Followers does not contain (dynamic) Me

The output is all records where Followers does not contain ID of the current user. Using dynamic filter returning sequence of IDs is not right because the sequence is taken into account. 

The operator is available for the columns of List type.

is (dynamic)

DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('assignment_group', 'dynamic', '1589643105003304555');

Assignment Group is (dynamic) One of My Group 

The output is all records where Assignment Group contains one of the current user group ID.

The following column types have this operator:

  • Reference
  • Big Integer 
  • Integer
  • Small Integer 
  • Decimal
  • Float
  • Percent Completed
  • Days of Week
  • Duration

is not (dynamic)

ISNOT_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('assigned_user', 'isnotdynamic', '164643105003300222');

Assigned User is not (dynamic) Me 

The output is all records where Assigned User does not contain the ID of the current user (empty values are suitable).

The operator is available for the columns of Reference type.

Available Extra Operators

Condition operators changes, changes from and changes to are applicable to any type of conditions. They are used to keep track of updates and changes in a particular field during the insertion or update of a record.

To use the VALCHANGES, CHANGESFROM, CHANGESTO operators, you need to configure it as a column extra attribute first.

Operator Display Name

System nameCondition builder



Priority changes

Returns true if the Priority field value changes during the record insertion or update.

When a record is inserted, the changes operator returns true for fields of any type. For example, if a business rule that runs on Insert has condition "Subject changes", then it will run when the Subject field is inserted with any value (except for null and the same as the Default Value).

changes from


Priority changes from High 

Returns true if the State field value changes from "High" to any other value during the record insertion or update.

changes to


Priority changes to High 

Returns true if Priority field value changes to "High" during the record insertion or update.


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition builder

current.addQuery('active', true);

current.addQuery('active', '1');

Active is Yes 

The output is all records where the Active field value is Yes only (the attribute value = true).

is not!=

current.addQuery('active', '!=', true);

current.addQuery('active', '!=', '1'); // true

Active is not Yes 

The output is all records where the Active field is not enabled (the attribute value = false).

is sameSAMEAS

current.addQuery('active', 'sameas', 'published');

Active is same Published 

The output is all records where Active and Published have the same value (both have Yes or No).

is anything

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('active', 'nsameas', 'published');

Active is different Published 

The output is all records where Active and Published have different values (one has Yes and the other has No or vice versa).


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder

current.addQuery('priority', '2'); // High

Priority is High 

The output is all records where Priority field value is "High" only.

is not!=current.addQuery('priority', '!=', '2'); // not High

Priority is not High 

The output is all records where Priority field value is not equal to "High".

is one ofIN// High OR Moderate
current.addQuery('priority', 'in', ['2', '3']);

Priority is one of High, Moderate 

The output is all records where Priority value is "High" or "Moderate".

is not one ofNOT IN// not High AND not Moderate
current.addQuery('priority', 'not in', ['2', '3']);;

Priority is not one of High, Moderate 

The output is all records where Priority value is any other than "High" or "Moderate"

greater than>current.addQuery('state', '>', '3') // High

Priority is greater than High 

The output is all records where Priority value is greater than High.

less than<current.addQuery('state', '<', '3') // High

Priority is less than High 

The output is all records where Priority value is less than High.

greater than or is=>current.addQuery('state', '=>', '3') // High

Priority is greater than or equal to High 

The output is all records where Priority value is greater than or equal to High.

less than or is<=current.addQuery('state', '<=', '3') // High


Priority is less than or equal to High

The output is all records where Priority value is less than or equal to High.


current.addQuery('state', 'between', '1', '3')

// between Low and High

Priority is between Low and High 

The output is all records where Priority value is between "Low" and "High" (Critical priority is not included).



current.addQuery('state', 'like', 'publish');

State contains publish 

The output is all records where State contains substring "publish" in choice title.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('state', 'notlike', 'publish');

State does not contain publish 

The output is all records where State does not contain these characters in choice title.

starts withSTARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('state', 'startswith', 'publish');

State starts with publish 

The output is all records where State contains these characters at the beginning of choice title.

ends withENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('state', 'endswith', 'ed');


State ends with ed

The output is all records where State contains these characters at the end of choice title.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('state', 'isempty'); // None

State is empty 

The output is all records where State does not contain any value (None).

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('state', 'isnotempty'); // not None

State is not empty 

The output is all records where State contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('urgency', 'sameas', 'impact');

Urgency is same Impact 

The output is all records where Urgency and Impact have the same value (both have Low, for example).

is anything

Urgency is anything

The output is all records where Urgency have any value.

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('urgency', 'nsameas', 'impact');

Urgency is different Impact 

The output is all records where values of Urgency and Impact have different values (one has "High" and the other has "Moderate", for example).


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder

current.addQuery('expired_at', '2019-01-01');

current.addQuery('expired_at', '=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at on 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at field value is "2019-01-01" exactly.

not onNOTONcurrent.addQuery('expired_at', '!=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at not on 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is any value but "2019-01-01".

before<current.addQuery('expired_at', '<', '2019-01-01');

Expire at before 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at date before "2019-01-01".

after>current.addQuery('expired_at', '>', '2019-01-01');

Expire at after 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at date after "2019-01-01".

at or before<=current.addQuery('expired_at', '<=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at at or before 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is "2019-01-01" or the date before it.

at or after>=current.addQuery('expired_at', '>=', '2019-01-01');

Expire at at or after 2019-01-01 

The output is all records where Expire at is "2019-01-01" or the date after it.


current.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'between', '2019-01-01 03:00:00', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Expire at between 2019-01-01 (and) 2019-01-31 

The output is all records where Expire at contains a date between 2019-01-01 and 2019-01-31 including these dates.



current.addQuery('expired_at', 'like', '2019-01');


Expire at contains 2019-01

The output is all records where database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains "2019-01" (for example, records that expire at 2019-01-23).

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'notlike', '2019-01');


Expire at does not contain 2019-01

The output is all records where database value (in UTC) Expire at does not contain "2019-01" (for example, records that expire at 2019-02-01).

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'isempty');

Expire at is empty 

The output is all records where Expire at does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'isnotempty');

Expire at is not empty 

The output is all records where Expire at contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'sameas', 'starts_at');

Expire at is same Started at 

The output is all records where Expire at and Started at have the same date.

is anything

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'nsameas', 'starts_at');

Expire at is different Started at 

The output is all records where the Expire at value is different to the Started at one.

year isYEAR_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'year_is', '2020');

Expire at year is 2020 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding year.

month isMONTH_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'month_is', '9');

Expire at month is September 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding month.

quarter isQUARTER_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'quarter_is', '2');

Expire at quarter is II 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding quarter.

week isWEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'week_is', '32');


Expire at week is 32

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding week.

day isDAY_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'day_is', '10');

Expire at day is 10 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding day of a month (10th day of any month).

day of week isDAY_OF_WEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('expired_at', 'day_of_week_is', '1');

Expire at day of the week is Monday 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Expire at contains the corresponding day of the week.

Date/Time, Date/Time Specific

The input data for Date/Time fields must have the following format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder

current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '=', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Created at on 2019-01-01 03:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at field value is "2019-01-01 03:00:00" exactly.

not onNOTONcurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', '!=', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Created at not on 2019-01-01 03:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at is any value but "2019-01-01 03:00:00".

before<current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '<', '2019-01-01 02:59:59');

Created at before 2019-01-01 02:59:59 

The output is all records where Created at before datetime "2019-01-01 02:59:59".

after>current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>', '2019-01-01 02:59:59');

Created at after 2019-01-01 02:59:59 

The output is all records where Created at after datetime "2019-01-01 02:59:59".

at or before<=current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '<=', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Created at at or before 2019-01-01 03:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at is "2019-01-01 03:00:00" or the datetime before it.

at or after>=current.addQuery('sys_created_at', '>=', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Created at at or after 2019-11-01 03:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at contains "2019-11-01 03:00:00" or the datetime after it.


current.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'between', '2019-01-01 03:00:00', '2019-01-01 03:00:00');

Created at between 2019-01-01 03:00:00 (and) 2019-01-02 02:59:59 

The output is all records where Created at contains a datetime between 2019-01-01 03:00:00 and 2019-01-02 02:59:59 including these datetimes.



current.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'like', '2019-01-01 03:44:');

Created at contains 2019-01-01 03:44:

The output is all records where database value (in UTC) of Created at contains "2019-01-01 03:44:" (for example, records that created at 2019-01-01 03:44:11).

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'notlike', '2019-01-01 03:');

Created at does not contain 2019-01-01 03: 

The output is all records where database value (in UTC) Created at does not contain "2019-01-01 03:44:" (for example, records that created at 2019-01-01 03:44:11).

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('closed_at', 'isempty');

Closed at is empty 

The output is all records where Closed at does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('closed_at', 'isnotempty');

Closed at is not empty 

The output is all records where Closed at contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'sameas', 'sys_updated_at');

Created at is same Updated at 

The output is all records where Created at and Updated at have the same value.

is anything

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'nsameas', 'sys_updated_at');

Created at is different Updated at 

The output is all records where Created at and Updated at have different values.

year isYEAR_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'year_is', '2019');


Created at year is 2019

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding year.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

month isMONTH_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'month_is', '9');

Created at month is September 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding month.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

quarter isQUARTER_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'quarter_is', '2');

Created at quarter is II 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding quarter.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

week isWEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'week_is', '32');

Created at week is 32 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding week.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

day isDAY_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'day_is', '32');

Created at day is 10 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding day of a month (10th day of any month).

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

day of week isDAY_OF_WEEK_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'day_of_week_is', '1');

Created at day of the week is Monday 

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding day of the week.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

hour isHOUR_IScurrent.addQuery('sys_created_at', 'hour_is', '10');


Created at hour is 10

The output is all records where the database value (in UTC) of Created at contains the corresponding hour.

This condition operator returns records with partial matches and requires input datetime in UTC.

Document ID

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
is=current.addQuery('item', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c');

Item is 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c 

The output is all records where the value of the Item field is "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c".

is not!=current.addQuery('item', '!=', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c')

Item is not 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c 

The output is all records where the value of the the Item field is not "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c".

is one ofINcurrent.addQuery('item', 'in', ['0229fa8abcbe1f530247ebc80fcad95c',

Item is 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c OR Item is 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247cfab67e9b8ab 

The output is all records where the value of the the Item field is "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c" or "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247cfab67e9b8ab".

The is one of operator is not available for Document ID fields in the condition builder.

is not one ofNOT INcurrent.addQuery('item', 'not in', ['0229fa8abcbe1f530247ebc80fcad95c',

Item is not 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c AND Item is not 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247cfab67e9b8ab 

The output is all records where the value of the the Item field is not "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247-ebc80fcad95c" and "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53-0247cfab67e9b8ab".

The is not one of operator is not available for Document ID fields in the Condition Builder.

containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('item', 'like', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53');

Item contains 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53 

The output is all records where the value of the Item field contains "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53". In the Item field, records from the Task (task) table are specified.

does not containNOTLIKErecord.addQuery('item', 'notlike', '0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53');

Item does not contain 0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53 

The output is all records where the value of the Item field does not contain "0229fa8a-bcbe-1f53".  The Item field does not contain records from the Task (task) table.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('record_document_id', 'isempty')

Document Record is empty 

The output is all records where the value of the Document Record field is empty.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('record_document_id', 'isnotempty')

Document Record is empty 

The output is all records where the value of the Document Record field is not empty.

Field Name

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'like', 'typ');


Column contains typ

The output is all records where the display value of Column contains "typ".

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'notlike', 'typ');

Column does not contain typ 

The output is all records where the display value of Column does not contain "typ".

starts withSTARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'startswith', 'typ');


Column starts with typ

The output is all records where the display value of Column contains "typ" at the beginning.

ends withENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'endswith', 'typ');

Column ends with typ 

The output is all records where the display value of Column contains "typ" at the end.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'isempty');

Column is empty 

The output is all records where Column does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('column_id', 'isnotempty');

Column is not empty 

The output is all records where Column contains any value.


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'like', '"url": null');

JSON Copy contains "url": null 

The output is all records where JSON Copy display value contains "url": null.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'notlike', '"url": null');

JSON Copy does not contain "url": null 

The output is all records where JSON Copy display value does not contain ""url": null".

is=current.addQuery('data', '{"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}');

Data is {"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""} 

The output is all records where the Data field value is exactly this input.

is not!=current.addQuery('data', '!=', '{"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""}');

Data is not {"user_id": "john.doe", "email": ""} 

The output is all records where the Data field value is not equal to this input.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'isempty');

JSON Copy is empty 

The output is all values where JSON Copy does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('json_copy', 'isnotempty');

JSON Copy is not empty 

The output is all values where JSON Copy contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('diplayable_path', 'sameas', 'formatter');

Displayable Path is same Formatter 

The output is all values where the Displayable Path and Formatter fields have the same values.

is anything

Displayable Path is anything

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('diplayable_path', 'nsameas', 'formatter');

Displayable Path is different Formatter 

The output is all values where the Displayable Path and Formatter fields have different values.


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
areAREcurrent.addQuery('keywords', 'are', 'mail');

Keywords are mail 

The output is all records where the Full text search column contains the corresponding value.


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('profile_picture', 'isempty');

Icon is empty 

The output is all records where Icon does not contain any image files.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('profile_picture', 'isnotempty');

Icon is not empty 

The output is all records where Icon contains an image file.


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
hasHAScurrent.addQuery('categories', 'has', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');

Categories has Article, Model 

The output is all records where Categories contains the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has Article, Model"
and "Categories has Model, Article" are different conditions.

To get all records with Article, Model categories build the following condition:

Categories has Article AND Categories has Model

has notHASNOTcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'hasnot', '155988310508800001,157688891108786828');

Categories has not Article, Model 

The output is all records where Categories does not contain the corresponding lists of references in this order exactly.

"Categories has not Article, Model"
and "Categories has not Model, Article" are different conditions.

To exclude all records with "Article" and "Model" categories build the following condition:

Categories has not Article AND Categories has not Model

is=current.addQuery('categories', '155988310508800001');

Categories is Article 

The output is all records where Categories contains only the corresponding reference.

is not!=current.addQuery('categories', '!=', '155988310508800001');

Categories is not Article 

The output is all records where Categories is not equal to the corresponding reference (all but Article).

containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'like', 'artic');

Categories contains artic 

The output is all records where references in the Categories field contains corresponding characters in Display by Ref field.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'notlike', 'artic');

Categories does not contain artic 

The output is all records where references in the Categories field does not contain corresponding characters in Display by Ref field.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'isempty');

Categories is empty 

The output is all records where the Categories field is empty.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('categories', 'isnotempty');

Categories is not empty 

The output is all records where Categories field is not empty.

contains (dynamic)CONTAINS_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'contains_dynamic', '160516373014385744');

Followers contains (dynamic) Me 

The output is all records where Followers contains ID of the current user. Using dynamic filters returning sequence of IDs is not right because the sequence is taken into account. 

does not contain (dynamic)DOESNOTCONTAIN_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('followers', 'doesnotcontain_dynamic', '160516373014385744');


Followers does not contain (dynamic) Me

The output is all records where Followers does not contain ID of the current user. Using dynamic filter returning sequence of IDs is not right because the sequence is taken into account. 

Big Integer, Integer, Small Integer, Decimal, Float, Percent Complete, Days of Week, Duration

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
is=current.addQuery('max_length', 10);

Max Length is 10 

The output is all records where Max Length is 10.

is not!=current.addQuery('max_length', '!=', 10);

Max Length is not 10 

The output is all records where Max Length is not 10.

containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('serial_number', 'like', 99);

Serial Number contains 99 

The output is all records where Serial Number contains 99.

The contains operator is not available for numeric fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts. 

does not containsNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('serial_number', 'notlike', 99);

Serial Number does not contains 99 

The output is all records where Serial Number does not contain 99.

The does not contains operator is not available for numeric fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts. 

is one ofINcurrent.addQuery('max_length', 'in', [10, 32]);

Max Length is one of 10, 32 

The output is all records where Max Length is "10" or "32".

The values in the input field should be comma-separated or separated by the line break. Spaces are not allowed.

is not one ofNOT INcurrent.addQuery('max_length', 'not in', [10, 32]);

Max Length is not one of 10, 32 

The output is all records where Max Length is not "10" and is not "32".

The is not one of operator is not available for numeric fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts. 

less than<current.addQuery('max_length', '<', 255);

Max Length less than 255 

The output is all records where Max Length value is less than 255.

greater than>current.addQuery('max_length', '>', 255);

Max Length greater than 255 

The output is all records where Max Length value is greater than 255.

less than or is<=current.addQuery('max_length', '<=', 255);

Max Length less than or is 255 

The output is all records where Max Length value is less than 255 or equal to 255.

greater than or is>=current.addQuery('max_length', '>=', 255);

Max Length greater than or is 255 

The output is all records where Max Length value greater than 255 or equal to 255.


current.addQuery('max_length', 'between', [10, 255]);

current.addQuery('max_length', 'between', ['10', '255']);

Max Length between 10 (and) 255 

The output is all records where Max Length value is in this range: [10; 255].

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'sameas', 'completed_tasks');


Tasks per day is same Completed tasks

The output is all records where Tasks per day and Completed tasks have the same value.

is anything

Tasks per day is anything

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'nsameas', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day is different Completed tasks 

The output is all records where Tasks per day and Completed tasks have different values.

greater than fieldGT_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day greater than field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is greater than the field value of Completed tasks (not including its value).

less than fieldLT_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day less than field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is less than the field value of Completed tasks (not including its value).

greater than or is fieldGT_OR_EQUALS_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'gt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day greater than or is field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is greater than the field value of Completed tasks or is equal to the value.

less than or is fieldLT_OR_EQUALS_FIELDcurrent.addQuery('taskpd', 'lt_or_equals_field', 'completed_tasks');

Tasks per day less than or is field Completed tasks 

The output is all records where the field value of Tasks per day is less than the field value of Completed tasks or is equal to the value.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('max_length', 'isempty');

Max Length is empty 

The output is all records where Max Length does nor contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('max_length', 'isnotempty');


Max Length is not empty

The output is all records where Max Length contains any value.

is (dynamic)


Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
is=current.addQuery('caller', '160624751417596911');


Caller is John Doe

The output is all records where the Caller field value is "John Doe" only.

is not!=current.addQuery('caller', '!=', '160624751417596911');

Caller is not John Doe 

The output is all records where the Caller field value is not "John Doe" (empty records are displayed too).

is one ofINcurrent.addQuery('table_id', 'in', ['155964310500000291', '160456341213536956']);

Table is one of Known Errors, Article 

The output is all records where the Table field contains "Known Errors" or "Article".

is not one ofNOT INcurrent.addQuery('table_id', 'not in', ['155964310500000291', '160456341213536956']);

Table is not one of Known Errors, Article 

The output is all records where the Table field is not "Known Errors" and is not "Article".

The is not one of operator is not available for Reference fields in the Condition Builder. It is used for filtering in scripts. 

containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('caller', 'like', 'Aleks');

Caller contains Aleks 

The output is all records where references in the Caller field contains corresponding characters in the  Display by Ref field.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('caller', 'notlike', 'Aleks');

Caller does not contain Aleks 

The output is all records where references in the Caller field does not contain corresponding characters in the Display by Ref field.

starts withSTARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('caller', 'startswith', 'Aleks');

Caller starts with Aleks 

The output is all records where references in "Caller" field starts with corresponding characters in Display by Ref field.

ends withENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('caller', 'endswith', 'ev');

Caller ends with ev 

The output is all records where references in the Caller field ends with corresponding characters the in Display by Ref field.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'isempty');

Related Ticket is empty 

The output is all records where Related Ticket does not contain any reference.

Note that in case the Reference field is configured to On delete = No Action, the sys_id of the deleted record remains in the field (then the reference leads to nonexisting record). Such records will not be displayed in the output of "Reference field is empty". In order to exclude records with deleted reference in the output, please use this condition:

Reference Field → ID is empty.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('related_ticket', 'isnotempty');

Related Ticket is not empty 

The output is all records where Related Ticket contain any reference.

Note that in case the Reference field is configured to On delete = No Action, the sys_id of the deleted record remains in the field (then the reference leads to nonexisting record). Such records will be displayed in the output of "Reference field is not empty". In order to exclude records with deleted reference from the output, please use this condition:

Reference Field → ID is empty.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('caller', 'sameas', 'assigned_user');

Caller is same Assigned User 

The output is all records where Caller and Assigned User have the same reference (empty values are suitable).

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('caller', 'nsameas', 'assigned_user');

Caller is different Assigned User 

The output is all records where Caller and Assigned User have the different reference (one empty value is suitable).

is anything

is (dynamic)DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('assignment_group', 'dynamic', '1589643105003304555');

Assignment Group is (dynamic) One of My Group 

The output is all records where Assignment Group contains one of the current user group ID.

is not (dynamic)ISNOT_DYNAMICcurrent.addQuery('assigned_user', 'isnotdynamic', '164643105003300222');

Assigned User is not (dynamic) Me 

The output is all records where Assigned User does not contain the ID of the current user (empty values are suitable).

Record Class

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
is=current.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', '155931135900000084');

Table is User 

The output is all records where the Table field value is "User".

is not!=current.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', '!=', '155931135900000084');

Table is not Users 

The output is all records where the value of the Table field is any table but "User".

is one ofINcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'in', ['155931135900000084', '156873090301469473']);

Table is one of Users, Employee 

The output is all records where the value of the Table field is "User" or "Employee".

is not one ofNOT INcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'not in', ['155931135900000084', '156873090301469473']);

Table is not one of Users, Employee 

The output is all records where the value of the Table field is not "User" and is not "Employee".

The is not one of operator is not available for Record Class fields in the condition builder. It is used for filtering in scripts. 


current.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'like', 'rep');

Table contains rep 

The output is all records where the Table title contains these characters anywhere in it.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'notlike', 'rep');

Table does not contain rep 

The output is all records where the Table title does not contain these characters.

starts withSTARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'startswith', 'sys');

Table starts with sys 

The output is all records where the Table title contains "sys" at the beginning.

ends withENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('sys_db_table_id', 'endswith', 'rule');

Table ends with rule 

The output is all records where the Table title contains "rule" at the end.

HTML, Script

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('script', 'like', 'return user.sys_id');

Script contains return user.sys_id 

The output is all records where Script contains these characters anywhere in it.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('script', 'notlike', 'return user.sys_id');

Script does not contain return user.sys_id 

The output is all records where Script does not contain these characters.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('script', 'isempty');

Script is empty 

The output is all records where Script does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('script', 'isnotempty');

Script is not empty 

The output is all records where Script contains any value.

Phone, String, Text, Translated Text, Conditions, URL

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('email', 'like', 'lot');

Email contains lot 

The output is all records where Email contains these characters anywhere in it.

Note that the operator is case insensitive.

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('email', 'notlike', '_');

Email does not contain

The output is all records where Email does not contain these characters.

Note that the operator is case insensitive.

starts withSTARTSWITHcurrent.addQuery('last_name', 'startswith', 'iv');

Last Name starts with iv 

The output is all records where Last Name contains "iv" at the beginning.

Note that the operator is case insensitive.

ends withENDSWITHcurrent.addQuery('last_name', 'endswith', 'ov');


Last Name ends with ov

The output is all records where Last Name contains "ov" at the end.

Note that the operator is case insensitive.

is=current.addQuery('last_name', 'Ivanov');

Last Name is Ivanov 

The output is all records where Last Name contains "Ivanov" exactly.

Note that the operator is case sensitive.

is not!=current.addQuery('last_name', '!=', 'Ivanov');

Last Name is not Ivanov 

The output is all records where Last Name contains any value but "Ivanov".

Note that the operator is case sensitive.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('username', 'isempty');

Username is empty 

The output is all records where Username does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('username', 'isnotempty');

Username is not empty 

The output is all records where Username contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('display_name', 'sameas', 'number');

Display Name is same Number 

The output is all records where Display Name and "Number" have the same value.

Note that the operator is case sensitive.

is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('display_name', 'nsameas', 'number');

Display Name is different Number 

The output is all records where Display Name and "Number" have different values.

Note that the operator is case sensitive.


This condition requires input time in UTC.

Operator Display NameSystem nameScriptCondition Builder
onONcurrent.addQuery('run_time', '11:00:00');

Run time on 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Run time database value is "11:00:00" exactly.

not onNOTONcurrent.addQuery('run_time', '!=', '11:00:00');

Run time not on 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Run time database value is not "11:00:00".

before<current.addQuery('run_time', '<', '11:00:00');

Run Time before 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Run time contains time before "11:00:00" (at 10:59:59 and earlier).

after>current.addQuery('run_time', '>', '11:00:00');

Run time after 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at contains time before "11:00:00" (at 11:01:01 and later).

at or before<=current.addQuery('run_time', '<=', '11:00:00');

Run time at or before 11:00:00

The output is all records where Run time contains "11:00:00" or time before it (10:59:59 and earlier).

at or after>=current.addQuery('run_time', '>=', '11:00:00');

Run time at or after 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Created at contains "11:00:00" or the time after it (11:01:01 and later).


current.addQuery('run_time', '>=', '10:00:00');

current.addQuery('run_time', '=<', '11:00:00');

Run time between 10:00:00 (and) 11:00:00 

The output is all records where Run time contains time between 10:00:00 and 11:00:00.

containsLIKEcurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'like', '11');

Run time contains 11 

The output is all records where Run time contains "11" anywhere in it (hour, minute, second).

does not containNOTLIKEcurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'notlike', ':11:');

Run time does not contain :11: 

The output is all records where Run time contains any minutes value but 11.

is emptyISEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'isempty');

Run Time is empty 

The output is all records where Run time does not contain any value.

is not emptyISNOTEMPTYcurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'isnotempty');

Run Time is not empty 

The output is all records where Run time contains any value.

is sameSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('start_time', 'sameas', 'end_time');

Start time is same End time 

The output is all records where Start time and End time have the same value.


is differentNSAMEAScurrent.addQuery('start_time', 'nsameas', 'end_time');

Start time is different End time 

The output is all records where Start time and End time have different values.

hour isHOUR_IScurrent.addQuery('run_time', 'hour_is', '11');

Run time hour is 11 

The output is all records where Run time contains the corresponding hour: the range is [11:00:00; 11:59:59].

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