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The event happens after the saving.
SimpleEventBus.on('afterSaveEvent', async (obj) => { const savedRecordId = obj.payload.recordId; });
The event happens after the saving and when the UI-actions are returned.
{ view: 'default', tableName: 'task', recordId: '1000000001', displayValue: 'Test Task', result: 'OK' , } или { errors: ['Text error'], result: 'ERROR' , }
SimpleEventBus.on('afterSaveAndGetUiActionsEvent', async (obj) => { });
SimpleEventBus.on('afterLoadBreadcrumbs', async (obj) => { });
SimpleEventBus.on('afterValidation', async (obj) => { });
The event happens when all widgets are loaded.
SimpleEventBus.on('afterLoadWidgets', async (obj) => { });