The Translated Text field is a special field type that provides translations of different content depending on the user locale. This field operates as a text field and is used throughout the system.
Administrators information
English texts are stored in the master table, while the Translations (sys_translation) table stores localized texts. The Translation table contains several entries of a translated field – one per every language provided.
When you clear a field of the Translated text type, only the value for the current language is deleted. Values for other languages remain. In such cases, you delete only one record in the Translations (sys_translation) table, without deleting the others.
The Translations table
Translations for Translated Text fields are saved in the Translations (sys_translation) table.
Translations form fields
Specify the column name containing the field that you need to translate.
Specify the language of the translation. The field references the records stored in theLanguages(sys_language) table.
Type the translation of the original value.
Unique ID number of the record. Automatically filled, if you translate viaRelated Listsof the record. If the ID field is empty, type theIDof the record.
The English text in the master table and the translated text are linked with the Column, Language, Record fields. These fields' values are used when looking for the translation of the English language text of the specified field, and if found, it is taken as the translation. It goes for translations to any other language.