Гайд по созданию портала. В итоге прочтения статьи юзер должен мочь создать свой собственный портал.
Процедура создания портала, пошаговая.
Описание этих элементов.
What is Self-Service Portal?
Self-Service Portal, or SSP, allows end-users to easily collaborating with supporting divisions (helpdesk, service desk, and others). With SSP, you can easily deliver your service and knowledge and gather feedback from them at any time.
The screenshot below illustrates the SSP main area typical view.
Portal structure
Self-Service Portal as a .... has a hierarchical structure containing various types of elements linked with each other. This allows building a flexible and configurable portal and binding it with the platform using provided tools (such as notification rules, API, ACL, and others).
The diagram below illustrates the typical portal structure.
For more clarity, the table below contains a brief glossary.
The portal record is the highest-level entity containing the portal structure.
Portal node
Nodes allow binding portals and portal pages. They define layouts of portals, categories, and pages through the Portal Page field.
A portal page is an entity containing. Create as many pages as you need to implement your portal logic.
Page container
Page container allows building the structural view of a single page with columns and rows.
Page row
Page rows divide a container into proportionally customizable rows.
Page column
Page columns divide rows into proportionally customizable columns.
How to create and configure a portal
After completing this guide, you will be able to create and configure your first Self-Service Portal. To perform this, you need to complete a step-by-step procedure:
Create Portal record.
Create Pages.
Create Portal Nodes.
Create Page Containers.
Create Page Rows.
Create Page Columns.
Portal configuration guide
To configure a Self-Service Portal related to your instance, you need to create its structure first. Generally, the procedure of portal set up and configuration looks as follows:
Create Portalrecords.
CreatePages, containing information about the portal pages.
Create Portal Nodes, entities allowing to bind portals and portal pages.
CreatePage Containers, allowing building the structural view of a page through columns and rows.
CreatePage Rows, dividing the container into rows.
CreatePage Columns, dividing rows into proportionally customizable columns.
Portal structure graphically may be represented as shown below.