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Within SimpleOne, it is easy to configure and expand the CMDB structure to make it meet all your business needs by customizing the class tables. The CMDB structure is built with the configuration records, such as Configuration Items that are based on the relevant CMDB table classes of the System Definition catalogue.
To expand the SimpleOne CMDB Structure, create new classes inherited from the CMDB table classes of the System Definition by following the steps:
- Create a new table class inherited from the sys_cmdb_ci class using the Creating Objects features.
- Configure your class fields and columns, establish relations with other tables if it is needed.
- Create a new CMDB record based on the CMDB class and add it in the CMDB catalogue.
The System Definition catalogue contains all the tables that are applied to build SimpleOne business solutions. You can use all available navigation and filter tools to find the tables you need.
Role required: admin.
Create a new CMDB Class
To create a new table class inherited from sys_cmdb_ci or other relevant CMDB class, navigate to the System Definition → All tables menu, then press the New button, and follow the steps of the Creating Table instruction.
The administrators can also create a CMDB class from the Parent table form. Push the New button on the Table tab of the Related Lists area, and follow the steps above.
Configure a CMDB Class
Set related lists and columns of your CMDB class to define its purpose and establish relations with other CMDB tables via the Related Lists:
Related List Name | Description |
Column | Create columns to define a set of fields of your future CMDB record. Push the New button in the Column tab on the Related Lists area, and, then, follow the steps of the Creating Column instruction. You also can create a column and bind it to a relevant CMDB table in the System Definition → All columns menu. |
Choice | Create Choices, bind them to an appropriate column, and specify their possible values. Push the New button in the Choice tab on the Related Lists area, and, then fill in the following fields:
These choices are contained in a drop-down list and available for selecting one of them by a user when filling the future CMDB record form. |
Table | This related list contains all the CMDB child classes and allows creating new ones. |
Client Script | This tab contains all Client Scripts related to your CMDB class. To create a new Client Script related to your class, push the New button in the Client Script tab, and then follow the steps from the Client Scripts to configure it. |
Security ACL | This tab contains all Security ACLs that are related to your CMDB class. To create a new Security ACL related to your class, push the New button in the Security ACL tab, and follow the ACL Creating steps. |
Business Rule | This tab contains a list of all Business Rules applied to your CMDB class. To create a new Business Rule, push the New button, and fill in the Business Rule fields. |
Push the Save or the Save and Exit button to apply the changes.
Add a new CMDB Record
To add a new record in the CMDB catalogue, use the Navigation features and follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the CMDB catalogue and then click on the Edit icon
next to the CMDB menu bar to enter the Menu Category.
- Add a new Menu Item by pushing the New button in the Related Lists area.
- Specify the CMDB Record Order, Table, and Link Type. Add a Filter condition with the Condition Builder tool if it is necessary.
- Click Save or Save and Exit button to apply the changes.
You can also create a new CMDB Record by pushing the New button from any other Menu Item form.
Use the CMDB Structure tools to implement a new CMDB Record in it and to establish all required relationships and dependencies with other CMDB records.
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