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Filled Manually
Field Type | Description | Data Type | Length or Example |
Big Integer | It's a numeric field type used for the storage of the very huge numbers. Size of the data stored is 8 bytes. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a numeric value in it. | int8 | -9223372036854775808 ... 9223372036854775807 |
Char | This field type is used for storing symbolic data (for example, hash, ID, UUID, etc). Size of the data stored is 32 bytes. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with the symbolic value in it. | char | ru en |
Encrypted Password | This field type is used to provide secure password storage in the database, with the decoding ability (2-way encryption). Before saving, password encodes basing on one of the encryption algorithm and a random string. Before usage, decoding performs. | varchar | 128 symbols |
Float | This field type implements a floating point number. | float4 | lengthless |
Html | This field type is implemented as a rich text widget. It has various settings which are displayed as HTML tags in the database. When this field is read-only, the data is displayed as HTML; otherwise, it is displayed as text that can be edited and transformed. | text | lengthless |
Integer | This is a numeric field type. Size of the stored data - 4 bytes. | int4 | -2147483648 ... +2147483647 |
Journal Input | This field type is used to operate with the comment widget for the intermediate data storage when the comments are being added. It is implemented as a text-area with a placeholder of the field title. Routinely, it has the NULL value. When a comment is being added, the field value saving the following data to the sys_activities_stream_field table:
After the comment is saved the field value becomes NULL again. | text | |
Json | This field type is physically stored as a JSON. | jsonb | { “name”:“John”, “age”:30, “cars”: { “car1”:“Ford”, “car2”:“BMW”, “car3”:“Fiat” } } |
Password | Displayed as an input field with password type. | varchar | 255 symbols |
Phone | This field stores a phone number. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with the phone number. | varchar | 15 symbols |
Script | This field type is physically implemented as a lengthless text string. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a CodeMirror widget (JS component that provides ability of the code editing in a browser) . | text | lengthless |
Small Integer | This is numeric field type. Size of the data stored - two bytes. | int2 | -32768 ... +32767 |
String | This field type is physically implemented as a string 255 symbols length. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a text input field. | varchar | 255 symbols |
Text | This field type is physically implemented as a lengthless text string. The memory is allocated dynamically when processing the field. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a textarea. | text | lengthless |
Translated Text | This field type allows the same field to display different content based on the user's chosen language. To learn more about this field type, please refer to the Translated Text field article. | varchar | |
URL | This field type is used to store a URL. | varchar | 255 symbols |
Choice-like Fields
Field Type | Description | Data Type | Length or Example |
Boolean | This field type implements binary logic (True or False, 1 or 0). In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a checkbox. You can change its default value to TRUE or FALSE by checking or unchecking it. | boolean | true false |
Choice | This field type implements the choices functionality. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a drop-down list. For this, supporting fields in the sys_db_column column were implemented. Configuration settings of the items to be selected are located in the sys_choice table. The following types of Choices are available (they vary by Choice Type setting on the column creation form):
When creating a column you can specify Choice Table and Choice Column. In this case, the Choice Column values will be the options for the values of the specified table in the Choice Table. | varchar | 80 symbols |
Color | This field type is intended to keep and share information about the system color or the color of an interface element. This field type is used, for example, in the Rule Styles. | varchar | 40 symbols |
Conditions | This field type is used to build AND/OR filters. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a filter configuration widget. It stores JSON conditions. | text | |
Date | This field type stores the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD to within 1 day and not specifying the time of the day. Size of the data stored is 4 bytes. | date | YYYY-MM-DD |
Date/Time | This field type stores the timestamp measured in seconds. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker. | timestamp | YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS |
Days of week???? | |||
Document ID | This field type is used to store various IDs. Physically they are stored as UUID. UUID is written as a sequence of hex numbers in lowercase, divided by a minus sign into several groups like this:
It is 32 digits and 128 bits total. You can see it on the record create/edit page. It is displayed as a text input field + dictionary button. When pressed, a form with two fields is shown:
| uuid | 00000000-0040-0000-0000-000000000008 00000000- 0040- 0000-0000-000000000008 |
Image | This field type is used to store uploaded image files. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a file upload modal window. | varchar | |
List | This field type is physically implemented as a lengthless text string. It stores ID's of the records of the specified table, comma-separated. It is displayed as a list of record values (which are the references to the record edit page). It provides you the functionality of the adding, previewing, and deleting records. | text | lengthless |
Reference | This field type works like external key and stores the ID of the record of the specified table. This table must be specified in the Reference ID. It is physically stored as Big Integer. | ||
Time | This field type is used for time storage. Timezone is not taken into account. The date is not stored. Size of the stored data - eight bytes. | time | HH:MM:SS |
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