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Filled Manually


Field TypeDescriptionData TypeLength or Example
Big Integer

It's a numeric field type used for the storage of the very huge numbers. Size of the data stored is eight bytes. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a numeric value in it.

int8-9223372036854775808 ... 9223372036854775807

This field type is used for storing symbolic data (for example, hash, ID, UUID, etc). Size of the data stored is 32 bytes. In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with the symbolic value in it.





Encrypted Password

This field type is used to provide secure password storage in the database, with the decoding ability (2-way encryption).

Before saving, password encodes basing on one of the encryption algorithm and a random string, Before usage, decoding performs.

varchar128 symbols

Choice-like Fields


Field TypeDescriptionData TypeLength or Example

This field type implements binary logic (True or False, 1 or 0).

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a checkbox. You can change its default value to TRUE or FALSE by checking or unchecking it.


This field type implements the functionality of the choices.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a drop-down list.

For this, supporting fields in the sys_db_column column were implemented. Configuration settings of the items to be selected are located in the sys_choice table. Various types of Choices are available (they vary by Choice Type setting on the column creation form):

  • 'None';
  • Drop-down with 'None';
  • Drop-down without 'None' (must specify a default value).

When creating a column you can specify Choice Table and Choice Column. In this case, the Choice Column values will be the options for the values of the specified table in the Choice Table.

varchar80 symbols

This field type is intended to keep and share information about the system color or the color of the interface element. This field type is used, for example, in the Rule Styles.

varchar40 symbols

This field type is used to build AND/OR filters.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a filter configuration widget. It stores JSON condition inside.


This field type stores the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD to within 1 day and without specifying the time of the day. Size of the data stored is four bytes.


This field type stores inside the timestamp measured in seconds. It shows how many seconds have been passed since 00:00:00 UTC 01 Jan 1970 (also known as Unix time or POSIX time).

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

timestamp2019-04-23 05:34:15
Days of week????

Document ID

This field type is used to store various ID. Physically they are stored as UUID.

UUID is written as a sequence of hex numbers in lowercase, divided by a minus sign into several groups like this:

  • Eight-digit group;
  • Three groups of four digits each;
  • 12-digit group.

It is 32 digits and 128 bits total.

You can see it on the record create/edit page. It is displayed as a text input field + dictionary button. When pressed, then modal with two fields are shown:

  • drop-down list with the tables;
  • field with a dictionary with the ability to select a table entry.





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