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Configuring the list layout allows changing the list appearance. You can configure which columns appear in the list, their order, and create list views.

List layout view

To change a list layout, please complete the steps below: 

  1. Open the list you need to reconfigure;
  2. Enter the hamburger menu on the left side at the bottom of the page;
  3. Select Configure → List Layout.

You can enter here also by clicking the gear icon on the left in the list title 

You will see a list layout view with two slushbuckets.

  • To add elements into the form, drag-and-drop the desired fields from the left slushbucket to the right one with the ">" button. You can add all the fields by clicking the ">>"button. You can also drag-and-drop one or more elements from the left slushbucket to the right one.

    • If you need to add several scattered elements at one time, then press the Ctrl button on your keyboard, select them in the left slushbucket, and then drag-n-drop them;

    • If you need to add several elements in a row, then press the Shift button on your keyboard, select them in the left slushbucket, and then drag-n-drop them;

    • When you’re done, click Save.

  • To remove elements from the form, move the needless fields from the right slushbucket to the left one with the "<" button. You can remove all the fields by clicking the "<<" button.

    • If you need to remove several scattered elements at one time, then press the Ctrl button on your keyboard, select them in the right slushbucket, and then drag-n-drop them;

    • If you need to remove several elements in a row, then press the Shift button on your keyboard, select them in the left slushbucket, and then drag-n-drop them;

    • When you’re done, click Save;

  • To change fields order on the form, move them up and down with the appropriate button at the left of the form. You can also drag-and-dropping them with your mouse,  When you’re done, click Save

Elements marked green support dotWalking within. You can add such an element itself, or you can click on the plus sign, browse through the hierarchy, and add one of the elements below.

Creating new views

In SimpleOne, you can create separate list views with separate sets of columns for various tasks.

To create a separate view, please complete the steps below:

  1. Enter the list you need to reconfigure;
  2. Enter the hamburger menu on the left side at the bottom of the page;

  3. Select Configure -> List Layout;

  4. Click Add New in the Form view and section area (in the View Name field);
  5. Click on the view created;
  6. Using the slushbuckets above, fill it with fields;
  7. Click Save at the top of the page.

List view hints


The data on the list view can be filtered in two ways:

There are two types of the quick filter forms:

  • Text search field;
  • Choice search field.

In the text search field, you can perform a text search in this column. All fields containing matches will be displayed.

If you are using the choice search field, then you can perform searches for the values matching with the choice options.

Sorting by columns

You can sort your list view in ascending or descending order for any column. For this, just click on the selected column title.

Show Matching

This functionality allows filtering fields that match with the field selected on the list view. To filter these fields, right-click on a field and select Show Matching.

Filter Out

This functionality is opposite to Show Matching. It filters the fields that do not match with the field selected on the list view.

Export Excel

This functionality allows exporting the list into an Excel file, for further uses for various purposes.


Pie Charts and Bar Charts are intended for visualization, information becomes more clearly. You can create a chart out of any column, just clicking on its title, but it makes more sense for the columns with digital data.

Bar chart

Pie chart

  • No labels