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No bound choices

Field types that do not offer choice options to select from.

Field TypeDescriptionScalar TypeValue length or example, validation criteria

Big Integer

It is a numeric field type used to store large numbers. The size of the data stored is 8 bytes.

In SimpleOne, it is displayed as an input field with a numeric value.

  • In SimpleOne, this range is used for record IDs: [100000000000000000 …
  • You can use the following big integer range: [-9223372036854775808 … 9223372036854775807]

Days of week

This field is displayed as a drop-down list with checkboxes presenting the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Several options can be selected.

Technically, the field stores a numeric value or a sum of values. The size of data is 2 bytes. Each day of the week is assigned a value:

Monday = 1
Tuesday = 2
Wednesday = 4
Thursday = 8
Friday = 16
Saturday = 32
Sunday = 64

For example, if Tuesday (2) and Wednesday (4) are selected, the field value is 6.


Minimum value of the field is 0 (days not selected).

Maximum value of the field is 127 (all days selected).


This field type implements numbers with up to two digits after the decimal point (for example, 12.34).decimal


This field type is used to calculate the duration between two events in milliseconds. It stores an integer number.int8

The validation processing:

  1. The input string is categorized by the date and time parts (days, hours, minutes, seconds).
  2. It converts into a total millisecond amount and is saved as a Big Integer number.

Encrypted Password

This field type is used to provide secure password storage in a database, with the decoding ability (two-way encryption).

Before saving, the password is encoded based on one of the encryption algorithms and a random string. The password must be encoded before it can be used.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols. The value length is limited to 255 symbols.


This field type implements a floating-point number.float4

Validation criteria:

  • Only numbers, a comma or a dot are allowed.
  • Maximum string length is 14 symbols.
  • Maximum fraction size is 12 symbols (after a delimiter that can be a comma or a dot, depending on a user's preference).


This field type is implemented as a rich text widget. There are various settings displayed as HTML tags in a database.

When this field is read-only, the data is displayed as HTML; otherwise, it is displayed as text that can be edited and transformed.

There are two modes to use in this field: rich text editor and source editor. You can enter the source editor by clicking Source on the panel.

Changes made to one of the modes are displayed in another mode, and vice versa.

textThis field can contain all kinds of symbols, and its length is unlimited until explicitly specified with the Max Length attribute. 


This is a numeric field type. The size of the stored data is 4 bytes.

int4The value specified should not exceed this range: [-2147483648 ... +2147483647].

Journal Input

This field type is used to operate with the comment widget. Due to its specifics, the field cannot be read-only. It is implemented as a text area with a placeholder or a field title.

There are two ways to leave a comment using the Journal Input column type:

  • via a journal input field:

    1. Enter the text in the field.

    2. Click Save or Save and Exit.

  • via the Activity Feed module:
    1. Click the Activity Feed module.
    2. Select the tab representing the message type you need.
    3. Enter text. 

When comments are added, they are stored in two tables:

  • Activities Stream Fields (sys_activities_stream_field) – comments from Activity Feeds that act as the user interface formatter.
  • Activity Feed Items (sys_activity_feed_item) comments for the widget that can be configured via the <activityFeed> SimpleTag. 

If async after business rules are run, you can work with the field values of the Journal Input type in the same way as you do within after rules, when referring to the current context.

textThis field can contain all kinds of symbols, and its length is unlimited until explicitly specified with the Max Length attribute. 


This field type stores values in JSON.


Field content example:

"name": "White", 
"color": "#ffffff", 
"policy": "Open", 
"sys_id": 158462172516422349, 
"application_id": 155931135900000002, 
"sys_created_at": "2020-03-19 12:42:05", 
"sys_created_by": 155931135900000001, 
"sys_updated_at": "2020-03-19 12:42:05", 
"sys_updated_by": 155931135900000001}

Fields of the JSON type are validated in the same way as fields containing JSON strings. To learn more about this, refer to the official JSON documentation.


This field stores passwords. It is displayed as an input field.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols. The value length is limited to 255 symbols.

Percent Complete

This field type is used to display the work progress in percent.decimal

Field validation criteria:

  • May contain numbers [0..100].
  • Maximum fraction size is 2 symbols.
  • Maximum length is 6 symbols.


This field stores phone numbers.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with the phone number.


Phone validation criteria:

  • May contain: (+-), spaces, and numbers.
  • Maximum length is 15 symbols.


This field type can contain a text string of unlimited length.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a CodeMirror widget (JavaScript component that provides the ability to edit code in a browser).

textThis field can contain all kinds of symbols, and its length is unlimited until explicitly specified with the Max Length attribute. 

Small Integer

This is a numeric field type. The size of the data stored is 2 bytes. 

int2The value specified should not exceed this range: [-32768 ... +32767].


This field type can contain a string with the minimum length of 255 symbols.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a text input field.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols. If the string length is not set, it is limited to 255 symbols; otherwise, the limit can be higher or lower.


This field type contain a text string of unlimited length. The mеmory is allocated dynamically when processing the field.


This field can contain all kinds of symbols, and its length is unlimited until explicitly specified with the Max Length attribute. 

Translated Text

This field type allows the same field to display different content based on the user's chosen language.

See the Translated Text Fields article to learn more.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols, and its length is unlimited until explicitly specified with the Max Length attribute.


This field type is used to store a URL.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols. The value length is limited to 2048 symbols. 

Choice-like fields

Field types that offer choice options to a user and can be filled by selecting a value.

Field TypeDescriptionScalar TypeValue length or example, validation criteria


This field type implements binary logic (True or False, 1 or 0).

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a checkbox. You can change its default value to true or false by selecting or clearing it.





This field type implements the choice functionality.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a drop-down list.

See the Choice Fields article to learn more.

For this type of fields, supporting fields were created in the sys_db_column table. Configuration settings of the items to be selected are located in the sys_choice table. The following types of choice options are available (they vary by the Choice Type field setting on the column creation form):

  • 'None'
  • Drop-down with 'None'
  • Drop-down without 'None' (must specify a default value)

When creating a column, you can specify Choice Table and Choice ColumnIn this case, the Choice Column values will be the options for the values of the specified table in the Choice Table.

varcharThis field can contain all kinds of symbols. If the string length is not set, it is limited to 80 symbols.


This field type is intended to keep and share information about the system color or the color of an interface element. This field type is used, for example, when configuring Style Rules.


This field can contain either 4 or 7 symbols (concise or full RGB record) starting with the hash sign (#). Allowed symbols are: numbers, English letters (A to F), and the hash sign.

Example: #B80000


This field type is used to build AND/OR filters.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a filter configuration widget. It stores JSON conditions.


The validation criteria are:


This field type stores the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD, within one day and without specifiying the time. The size of the data stored is 4 bytes.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date picker.


A date must be in the ISO 8601 format:


Date elements are validated to meet the following criteria:

Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[0001..9999]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Available symbols in this field:

  • Numbers
  • Slash ( / )
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Dot ( . )


This field type stores the timestamp measured in seconds.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.


The datetime can be written in the ISO 8601 format as shown below:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Datetime elements are validated to meet the following criteria:


The value specified should not exceed this range.


The value specified should not exceed this range.

Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1900..2099]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Date Time Specific

This field type stores the timestamp measured in seconds.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

This field type is mainly used in Schedules. In contrast to the Date Time field type, this field type uses the UTC offset parameter defined in the system timezone. 


The datetime can be written in ISO 8601 format like shown below:

YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Datetime elements are validated to meet the following criteria:

Second[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Minute[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1900..2099]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Document ID

This field type is used to store various IDs as universally unique identifiers (UUID).

A UUID is described as a series of 32 hexadecimal characters separated by hyphens into five groups in an 8-4-4-4-12 pattern:

  • 8-digit group
  • three groups of 4 digits each
  • 12-digit group

It is 32 digits and 128 bits total.

When appears on a form, the field of this type is displayed as a reference field. It should contain a reference on a specified column in a specified table. To specify a reference, click a string or the magnifier icon and select a table and a column.


Validation criteria:

  1. The input value is validated to ensure that it is a string value.
  2. The validation is then performed according to a predefined pattern as described in the Description column.


Field Name

This field type is used to store a reference to a column in a particular table and contains a list of columns in the referenced table.

To specify a reference, complete the steps below:

  1. Add this field to the form using the Form Layout functionality.
  2. Right-click the field title and select Configure field item.
  3. Scroll down to the Type Specification tab and specify the referencing table column in the Dependent on Column field.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to save the changes.
int8The input string is validated to ensure that it is a string value.


This field type is used to store uploaded image files in the following formats: .jpeg, .png, .gif, .webp, .bmp, .svg, .ico.

In the SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as a file upload modal window.

int8The value specified should not exceed this range: [9223372036854775807 ... 9223372036854775806].


This field type can contain a text string of unlimited length. It stores record IDs of the specified table and is displayed as a list of record values (which are the references to the record form). It provides you with the functionality of adding, previewing, and deleting records.

See the Reference Fields article to learn more.


The validation criteria are listed below:

  • All elements must be separated by a comma.

Record Class

This field type is used to label the table to which the specified record is related.

The Record Class field is created for a table once a newly inherited table is created for it. Initially, when creating a new root table (without any parents), the table will not have this field. Type of the stored data is ID. The size of the stored data is 8 bytes.


The value specified should not exceed this range: [100000000000000000 ..

Example of usage:

  1. The Task table and its child table, the Incident table, have several records.
  2. When you look through a task list, you can find incidents among the mass of the tasks.
  3. For your purposes, you need to find incidents while being in the Task table context.
  4. To do this, you can filter these records based on the Record Class field.
  5. The Record Class field is a system field. It is always read-only and inaccessible for editing.


This field type works like an external key and stores the record ID of the specified table. This table must be specified in the Reference field. It is stored as Big Integer.

See the Reference Fields article to learn more.

In order to limit the output when referencing a field, use Reference Qualifiers.

int8You can use this range of whole big integers: [-9223372036854775808 … 9223372036854775807]


This field type allows for storing a set of column names and their values in JSON format for all tables. Nested JSON format is used. On the first nesting level, the element numbers starting from 1 are used as keys.

Because the field type stores data pairs column name ↔ value, it is commonly used in template forms. You can use a range of whole bug integers if required. The field allows for applying stored data to records created from templates. 

The elements are objects in the following format:

  • key − the column ID in the Columns (sys_db_column) dictionary.
  • value − the column value.

This type of field requires populating the Dependent On Column field on the Type Specification tab with the appropriate table.

// the following columns of user dictionary are used: username, active, locked_out

    "156943341303994936": "new_user"
    "156943341308746896": "1"
    "155931135900001086": "0"


This field type is used as a time storage. The timezone is not taken into account. The date is not stored. The size of the stored data is 8 bytes.


The time can be written in ISO 8601 format as shown below:


Time stamp elements are validated to meet the following criteria:


The value specified should not exceed this range.


The value specified should not exceed this range.

Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.

The allowed symbols are numbers and a colon ( : ).

  • No labels