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In SimpleOne, you can customize your instance by adding a company logo, favicon, background image, specifying Customize your SimpleOne instance: add unique visual elements, configure the URI, define the default language and timezone and other. Specify contacts for feedback, the help text on the authorization page and the redirection page for unauthorized users.
Tip |
Role required: admin. |
Instance branding
Instance logo
,and favicon
, and page title.Use the ui.branding.logoand ui.branding.favicon properties to set the logo and favicon of your instance.
Image Added
To set an image as logo or favicon of the instance, complete
Instance branding
Use the following properties to customize your instance. To set up properties, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the property record you need using the list search boxes or thecondition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter the value you needClick the attachments icon
Image Added and upload an image.
Click Save or Save and Exitexit to apply the changes.
Specifies the source file of the current instance favicon. In the Value field, specify the ID of the image record from the Attachment table.
Specifies where the source file of the main page logo. In the Value field, specify the ID of the image record from the Attachment table.
Specifies the title for the main page.
Image Removed
Navigate to Attachments → Attachments.
Find the attachment you need and copy its ID.
Go back to the property record you are editing and paste the attachment ID into the Value field.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Instance page title
Use the ui.branding.pageTitle to customize the page title of your instance.
Image Added
To do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the ui.branding.pageTitle property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter the text you need.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Instance URI
Use the simple.instance.uri property to customize
the page URI of your instance.
Default settingsTo edit the URI, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the simple.instance.uri property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter the URI name you need.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Default timezone
Use the
Specifies the default timezone for the to set the default user timezone. A user can change the timezone in the Preferences menu.
To set the default user timezone, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the user.timezone.default property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field,
enter the timezone name
as specified in the Timezone (sys_timezone) table.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Default language
Use the user.language.default
Definesproperty to set the default system language. The default system language is used on the log in page and for the new users.
To set the default system language, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the user.language.default property record using the list search boxes or thecondition builder and open it.
In the Value field,
enter the language designation as specified in the Language column of the Language
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Unauthorized user redirection
Use the page_access.redirect_url property to specify the URL path to a page where users that have no access rights to a specific self-service portal page will be redirected to.
To specify a redirection URL, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the
property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter the path to the page
you need (for example, /portal).
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Help message on the login page
Use the following properties to set the text of the Help / Помощь message on the log in page:
Defines the Englishfor the English language. for the Russian language.
Image Added
Image Added
To specify the text of the
Help message on the Login page. In the Value field, enter the text using the HTML elements.Help / Помощь message, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the property record you need using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter your text using the HTML elements.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
<p>If you need help, please contact us</p><p>E-mail: <a href=""></a></p><p>Phone: <a href="tel:+7(555)30092019">+7(555)30092019</a></p><p><a href=">Go to support page</a></p>
Contact email
Image Removed
Use the
help_info.ruDefines the Russian text of the Help message on the Login page. In the Value field, enter the text using the HTML elements.
Image Removed
support_emailproperty to specify a contact email address.
To do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the simple.auth_page.support_email property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter a contact email.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Contact phone number
Use the simple.auth_page.support_phone property to specify a contact phone number.
To do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the simple.auth_page.support_
phone property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter a contact phone number.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Service desk website
Use the simple.auth_page.support_site
to specify the URL of the service desk site.
To do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to System Properties → All Properties.
Find the simple.auth_page.support_
site property record using the list search boxes or the condition builder and open it.
In the Value field, enter the URL of the service desk site.
Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.
Portal brandingPortal branding
Portal logo and
faviconImage Removed
You can set a logo and favicon for your portal.
To do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Portal Structure → Portals.
Find the portal record you need using thelist search boxes or
thethe condition builder and open it.
Click the attachments icon
Image Removed icon
Image Added in the Logo or Favicon field and upload the file.
Click Save or Save and
Exitexit to apply the changes.
Image Added
background image
portalYou can set an individual background image for every portal page.
To define the background image on the portal page, perform do so, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Portal Structure → Pages.
Find the page record you need using thelist search boxes or
thethe condition builder and open it.
thethe Related Lists area, select the Page
Container tab and open the record you needContainter tab.
Click the attachments
iconImage Removed
Image Added in the Background Image field and upload the file you need.
Click Save or Save and
Exitexit to apply the changes.
Image Added
Tip |
Recommended image width: 1900px. The image height of the image depends on the number and size of the page elements. |
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