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The purpose of Work and Time Management solution is to track the exact time employees spend on specific tasks during a certain period of time.

This solution helps managers to record start and end times for tasks and identify areas that delay completion of work.

In SimpleOne, there are two ways to create timecards:

  • via the form of any object inherited from the Task (task)table.

  • via the Timesheet page.

See the 

Work and Time Management article

user documentationto learn how an employee works with the solution.



The Timesheet page displays the widget that helps to create timecards and stores data. 

Timesheet consists of the following parts:

  1. Date range of the current week.

  2. Activity names and their states. If an activity is a record from the Task (task)table, then the name of the activity consists of the Display Name of the task record and has a link to this record form.

  3. Dates and days of the week, with total time spent on tasks each day.

  4. Time cells with comments for each activity, each day of the week.

  5. Total time spent on all tasks in general and on each task separately.

All data entered by employees is stored in the Timesheet (wtm_timesheet) table.


Only users with the admin or wtm_admin role can create, delete, and read records in this table.

On the Timesheet page itself, only employees can edit the data. Employee managers and system administrators do not have access to the page with the widget.

Approve a timesheet

When an employee click Submit, the timesheet is sent to the manager for approval. The following message pops up: The timesheet for {date} is submitted for approving.The states of activities change from New to Approving.

Then, the manager should approve or reject it. If they approved it, the activity states change to Approved. If it is rejected, the activity states change to Rejected


If an employee does not have a manager, or they are a manager, timecards will be approved automatically after they click Submit. The following message pops up: The timesheet for {date} was submitted successfully.

In the menu category My work, the menu item Timecards Approvals is available that leads to a list of approval tickets of employee timecards.


The Timecard (wtm_timecard)tablestores the information about the time spent on specific tasks during the week.

The records have the following view:

  1. Date range of the week and the Display Name of the employee that created a timecard.

  2. State of the timecard.

  3. Activity type or name of the task and a link to task record.

  4. Date and days of the week with comments, if any.

  5. Time spent on the activity for each day of the week.

  6. Total time spent on the activity.

  7. Activity Feed that shows the history of the field changes.

Managers can open employees timecards via the Subordinates Timecards menu item.

  • In the Timecard (wtm_timecard)table, employees can only read their timecard records.
  • Managers can read their personal timecards and employees timecard records.
  • Admins can read all created timecard records.

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