The <string> tag designates an input field for text information. The element is similar to React.Component.

The following attributes are applicable:

classStringNSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field.
isMandatoryBooleanNMake the field mandatory. For this, set the attribute equal to 'true'.
isVisibleBooleanNDisable the widget displaying. This attribute is equal to 'true' by default.
labelStringNDescribe the field content by giving a field label with text information.
modelStringYSpecify this attribute to point to the client controller data object. When the model data changes, it is automatically transferred to the data of the client script.
placeholderStringNSpecify a placeholder for the text field.


BooleanNMake the field read-only. For this, set the attribute equal to 'true'.
styleStringNSpecify the display settings (size, font, color, etc.) of the widget elements using the CSS syntax.



Specify the default value for the field.

<string model="data.firstname" event-change="s_widget_custom.updateFullname();"></string>
<string model="data.lastname" event-change="s_widget_custom.updateFullname();"></string>
Client Script
(() => {
  window.s_widget_custom.updateFullname = async function () {
    const firstname = s_widget.getFieldValue('firstname') || '';
    const lastname = s_widget.getFieldValue('lastname') || '';
    s_widget.setFieldValue('fullname', lastname + ' ' + firstname);
  • No labels