The <remform> tag allows you to add a form consisting of model attributes to the portal.

Placing more than one widget instance with the <remform> tag on a page is not recommended. Unlike the <rem> tag, <remform> is used only for creating a single record at a time.

The following attributes are applicable:


Set the attribute to 'true' to display the widget on the portal. It is recommended to set the value of this attribute to 'true'.

isUserScriptsBooleanNDisable client scripts execution. The default value is 'true'.
modelIdStringNSpecify RE model ID.

This attribute stores the form name.

Define the form name within the template in the Template field:

Form name
<remform tableName="itsm_incident" name="incidentForm"></remform>

And after that, you can call it in the widget client script:

Form name
const builtInForm = s_widgets.getForm('incidentForm');
recordIdStringNSpecify an ID of an existing record to extend.
saveButtonCaptionStringNSpecify text displayed on the Save button.

Specify the display settings (size, font, color, etc.) of the widget elements using the CSS syntax.

tableNameStringYSpecify the name of the table containing the extending record.
<remform modelId="{data.model_id}" isPortal="true" tableName="rem_table" saveButtonCaption="Save" />
remform widget code
(() => {
    window.s_widget_custom = window.s_widget_custom || {};
    const modelId = new URLSearchParams('model_id');
    s_widget.setFieldValue('model_id', modelId); // Provide form of new record with model id
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