The <previewList> tag allows displaying table items as a customizable list.

The following attributes are applicable:

classStringNSpecify the CSS class name defined in the CSS field.

Specify a condition applied to the list. This attribute should contain data of the Conditions type.

tableNameStringYSpecify a table containing items to display on the list view.
viewStringNSpecify a list view name used. The default value is Default.
elementCountStringNSpecify the number of page items. If not specified, then it is equal to 5 by default. 
subjectColumnStringNSpecify a table column containing list item subjects.
dateColumnStringNSpecify a table column containing dates related to list items. 
stateColumnStringNSpecify a table column containing list item states.

Set this attribute to true to change list style.

wrapBooleanNSet this attribute to true to set up the quick view.
itemViewStringNSpecify the view used for item rendering.
ListHeaderStringNSpecify the list header.

<previewList tableName="announcement" view="AnnounceView" elementCount="3" subjectColumn="subject" dateColumn="sys_created_at" stateColumn="state" wrap="true" itemView="announceView"><ListHeader><div>Announcements</div></ListHeader></previewList>

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