The <activityFeed> tag is intended for enabling the Activity Feed functionality on forms for the portal or agent views.

The following attributes are applicable to the tag:


Specify the record ID on which the activity feed widget is enabled.

If the tag is specified near the <Form> tag, the value of this attribute is populated automatically with the value from the relevant <Form> attribute.

<Form tableName="table" sysId="100000000001"></Form>

When there is no <Form> tag nearby, values can be taken from GET-parameters. If there are no GET-parameters, the Activity Feed will not be displayed.


Specify the table system name (for example, "task") on which the Activity Feed widget should be enabled.

If the tag is specified near the <Form> tag, the value of this attribute is populated automatically with the value from the relevant <Form> attribute.

<Form tableName="table" sysId="100000000001"></Form>

When there is no <Form> tag nearby, values can be taken from GET-parameters. If there are no GET-parameters, the Activity Feed will not be displayed.


Configure the Activity Feed. Describe the object in JSON format as shown in the example below. 

The following parameters can be defined:

  • title – change the title of the Activity Feed.
  • journal  filter the Journal Input fields.
  • columns  filter the History fields.
  • classes – add classes to style the Activity Feed. These styles can be redefined
  • isNotStylized – remove the styling of the Activity Feed.
config='{"title":"New Title","journal":"history, work_notes.task", "columns": "state, active"}'
config='{"isNotStylized":"true", "classes": {"ActivityFeed": "NewAF"}}'
config='{"classes": {"ActivityFeed": "NewAF"}}'

.NewAF {
border-bottom: 2px red;
background-color: green;
isAlwaysOpenedBooleanNTo make the Activity Feed widget always open, set the attribute equal to true. Being always open, the widget has no chevron and option to close.

Attribute values can also be received from URLs in two ways:

  • On the specific record page, the attribute values will be populated automatically.
  • When the specific URL is provided, the attribute values will be populated out of GET-parameters.

Example for case 2

  1.  An example of provided URL is the following:
  2. The table_name and record_id parameter values are obtained from this URL.
    • The table_name parameter value is mapped to the tableName attribute.
    • The record_id parameter value is mapped to the sysId attribute.
<activityFeed tableName="user" sysId="161416916116380709"></activityFeed>

Redefine styles of classes 

The style of the following classes used in the config attribute can be redefined: 

  • GroupHeader
  • NoActivities
  • IconNoActivities
  • Heading
  • ChevronActivityFeed
  • ActivityFeed
  • Separator
  • ActivitiesContainerWrap
  • ActivitiesContainer
  • ActivitiesContainerShadow
  • Skeleton
  • SkeletonHeading
  • SkeletonTabs
  • SkeletonTabsArea
  • SkeletonTabsButton
  • SkeletonTags
  • SkeletonTagsItem
  • SkeletonAct
  • SkeletonActItem
  • SkeletonActHeader
  • SkeletonActUserPic
  • SkeletonActUserName
  • SkeletonActType
  • SkeletonActCont
  • SkeletonActInf
  • Modal
  • HistoryItemBlock
  • HistoryItemNew
  • HistoryNewTitle
  • HistoryNewText
  • HistoryItemOld
  • HistoryOldTitle
  • HistoryOldTitleBlock
  • HistoryOldText
  • HistoryNoFields
  • HistoryUserAvatar
  • HistoryShowInfo
  • HistoryShowInfoButton
  • HistoryIconChevron
  • HistoryItem
  • HistoryHeadBlock
  • HistoryUser
  • HistoryContent
  • HistoryUserTitle
  • HistoryDate
  • HistoryHead
  • HistoryIconComment
  • HistoryTitle
  • HistoryChanges
  • CommentItem
  • CommentUserAvatar
  • SubComment
  • SubCommentUserAvatar
  • SubCommentBlock
  • SubCommentHeader
  • SubAuthorHeader
  • SubCommentUpdateDate
  • SubCommentText
  • SubComments
  • SubCommentsHeader
  • SendSubCommentBlock
  • SendSubCommentText
  • SendSubCommentButton
  • CommentShowAllButton
  • CommentItemBlock
  • CommentHead
  • CommentUser
  • CommentContent
  • CommentUserTitle
  • CommentDate
  • CommentTitleHead
  • CommentIcon
  • CommentTitle
  • CommentText
  • TabsBlock
  • Tabs
  • Settings
  • Tab
  • TabActive
  • SettingsMore
  • SettingsActiveMore
  • CommentsTabsSliderArrow
  • CommentsTabsHeadWrap
  • CommentsTabsHeadContainer
  • CommentsTabsHead
  • CommentTabIsRequired
  • CommentTabHeadItem
  • CommentTabHeadItemActive
  • CommentBlock
  • CommentBlockSlider
  • CommentBlockTextAreaWrap
  • CommentBlockTextarea
  • CommentBlockButtonWrap
  • CommentBlockSendButton
  • ModalWrapper
  • ModalWindow
  • ModalHeader
  • ModalText
  • ModalCloseIco
  • ModalBody
  • SettingsMenu
  • SettingsMenuModal
  • SettingsConfigure
  • SettingsScroll
  • SettingsNoResults
  • SettingsSelectAll
  • SettingsMenuItemInput
  • SettingsMenuItemLabel
  • SettingsSmallInputIcon
  • SettingsSmallInputIconHover
  • SettingsSmallInputClean
  • SettingsSmallInputCleanActive
  • SettingsSearchContainer
  • SettingsSmallInputContainer
  • SettingsSmallInputContainerFocus
  • SettingsSmallInput
  • SettingsMenuItem
  • SettingsMenuItemCheckbox
  • SettingsMenuBlock
  • SettingsChangeButton

  • No labels