The ACL rules allow you to secure access to the objects and operations, depending on your business processes.

For example, you can restrict changing states of a task to the users who are not involved in the process (editing is available only to the assigned user).

The ACL check is performed using three fields combined:

  1. Roles
  2. Condition
  3. Script

If the Roles field of the ACL rule is empty, the next step is the condition check, if any specific condition is specified. If the Condition field is empty, then the Script field checks for the specific conditions and attributes.

If any of these steps fail, the ACL check fails, too. That is, ACL does not check the next steps if the previous fails.

The scheme below represents the ACL check process:

Create an ACL rule

Role required: security_admin.

Elevate your privileges to this role to create or perform any other operations with ACL rules.

To create an ACL rule, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the System Security → Access Control (ACL).
  2. Click New and fill in the fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and exit to apply the changes.

Access Control form fields


This field is read-only and is populated automatically by the system after saving the record.

The word in the square brackets indicates the operation. The name after the first period indicates the secured table and the column (if there is one specified in the Column field):



This field supports the asterisk (*wildcard character in place of a record, table, or field name, which allows selecting all objects matching a record type, all tables, or all fields.





Select an operation to secure. Available options:

  • create
  • read
  • write
  • delete

One ACL rule can secure only one operation. To secure more than one operation, create a separate ACL rule for each of them.

Any tablesNSelect this checkbox to secure all tables in the system.

Specify a table to secure.

One ACL rule can secure only one table. To secure several tables, create a separate ACL rule for each of them.

DescriptionNAdd a description of the ACL rule.

Specify the roles required to pass the ACL check. After a role is specified, users without this role do not pass the check.

You can select more than one role.

ActiveNSelect this checkbox to activate the ACL rule.
Admin overridesN

Select this checkbox to allow system administrators (users with the admin role) to pass the ACL rule. Admin users access the object or operation regardless of the existing restrictions.

Clear this checkbox to check users by the rule. Define the filters in the condition builder or in the Script field to create conditions that admin users should meet to get access.

Any fieldsNSelect this checkbox to secure all columns in the table.

Select a column to secure.

One ACL rule can secure only one column. If you need to secure more than one column, create a separate ACL rule for each of them.


Use the condition builder to create filters.


Enter a script that defines the conditions to meet. The result of the script execution is the answer variable equal to true or false.

If the script is not added or the answer variable is not set, the default value of the variable is true.

If you pass any non-Boolean value to the answer variable, it is implicitly converted to the Boolean type.

answer = current.sys_id;
// if the record already exists - true, if there is no record yet (null) - false

Use case 

Case 1

The company should hide the following information about its employees:

    • Mobile phone
    • User roles

Only the users with the user_manager and admin roles and the employee themselves should have access rights to this information. An employee cannot see the mobile phone and roles of other employees.

To do so, you need to set up two ACL rules:

ACL №1 allows access to the Mobile Phone field to the record owner:

Admin Overridestrue
ColumnMobile phone

ID is javascript: return ss.getUserID();

The ACL rule is created: [Read].employee.mobile_phone

ACL №2 allows access to the Mobile Phone field to user managers:

Admin Overridestrue
ColumnMobile phone

The ACL rule is created: [Read].employee.mobile_phone

The result is the following:

These two screenshots illustrate the Employee list with ACLs №1 and №2.

The list of records shown to the owner of the employee record without the user_manager role (Stepan Petrov):

The list of records shown to a user with the user_manager role:

Case 2:

You need to allow access only to one field in the Request (itsm_request) table, but creating an ACL for each field you need to protect to is time-consuming.

For these purposes, you need to create two ACLs:

    • [Write].itsm_request.additional_comments – gives access to edit the Additional comments field.
    • [Write].itsm_request.* – restricts access to all fields to users without the ITSM agent role. The restriction works for each field for which there are no allowing ACL rules.

Let us consider the differences between them.

Since this ACL rule does not specify roles and conditions, it is the allowing ACL rule.


Admin Overridestrue
Any Fieldsfalse
ColumnAdditional comments

This rule allows the users with ITSM_agent role to edit all fields in the Requests table. Users without this role have no access to edit all fields of the Requests table.


Admin Overridestrue
Any Fieldstrue

These ACL rules ensure that the caller (or any other user who is not an agent) cannot edit the record fields. Only users with ITSM_agent and admin roles can do that. At the same time, the caller can leave comments to communicate with the assigned user or group.

In other words, the ACL rule marked with the asterisk (*) works for each field, except those that have their own ACL rules.

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