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Big Integer

This is a numeric field type, using for storage very huge numbers. The size of Big Integer is eight bytes. The range of numbers that can be stored - (-9223372036854775808 .. 9223372036854775807). In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as an input field with numeric value in it.


This field type is implementing binary logic (True or False, 1 or 0). In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as a checkbox. You can change its default value to TRUE or FALSE by checking or unchecking it.


This field type is used for storing symbolic data (for example, hash, ID, UUID, etc). The size of Char is 32 bytes. In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as an input field with symbolic value in it.


This field type is implementing the functionality of the choices. For this, supporting fields in sys_db_column column were implemented. It is stored as string 80 symbols length. In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as a drop-down list. Configuration settings of the items to be selected are located in the sys_choice table. Different types of Choices are available (they vary by Choice Type setting on the column creation form):

  • 'None';
  • Drop-down with 'None';
  • Drop-down without 'None' (must specify a default value).


Hint: when you're creating a column you can specify Choice Table and Choice Column. In this case the Choice Column values will be the options for the values of the specified table in the Choice Table.


This field type is used to build AND/OR filters. It is stored as text (a lengthless string). In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as a filter configuration widget. It stores condition JSON inside.

{“condition”:[[[{“field”:“\”incident\“.\“description\“”,“operator”:“is not empty”,“values”:[],“type”:“string”,“columnId”:“190",“dotWalkingPath”:“190",“tableName”:“incident”}]]],“orderBy”:[],“tableName”:“incident”}


This field type stores the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD to within 1 day without specifying the time of the day. Its size is four bytes.


This field type stores inside the timestamp measured in seconds. It shows how many seconds has been passed since 00:00:00 UTC 01 Jan 1970, In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as an input field with a datetime picker. The example of the datetime displayed: 2019-04-23 05:34:15.

Days of week

This field type is used to operate with the days of week. In the SIMPLE interface it is displayed as a seven checkboxes. The week beginning is always Sunday. The information stored as a decimal number. It is formed like this:

Every checkbox is stored as 1 bit. Also the status of this bit is stored (0/1, checked or not);

So the week is the binary number that represents the sum of this bits;

When saving in the database, this binary number has to be converted into decimal in advance.

Физически хранится как small integer.


Due Date

Enum form_split_element_type



Document ID



Journal Input




Percent Complete




Small Integer





This field type

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