Use the <listitems> tag to display table records in a list view. 

Available attributes:

classStringNSpecify a CSS class name defined in the CSS field.
tableNameStringYSpecify a table that contains output items to display. 

Specify a list view to use. Note that first you need to create this view in the List View (sys_ui_list) table.


Specify the path to a page in the portal structure.


itemPage="page" defines the URL slug as page and the whole path has the following view:


itemViewStringYSpecify the view used for item rendering.

Specify a condition to apply to the list. This attribute must contain a condition string.


Specify the condition applied to the list. Unlike the condition specified with the condition attribute, this condition is fixed and cannot be removed. It can be only narrowed down.

The attribute logic is similar to the fixed reference qualifiers.


Define the columns of the Choice type to specify choice options in your condition. 

Columns specified in the attribute should be added to the view defined in the <listView> attribute. Otherwise, filtering by columns will not be available.


Define the columns of the Date or Date/Time type to specify date ranges in your condition.

perPageIntegerNSpecify the number of items per page. The default value is 20.
displayColumnNumberIntegerYSpecify the number of the column, by clicking on which the record opens.


<listitems  tableName="task"  condition="{data.condition}" listView="SP" itemPage="record" itemView="SP" view="adjustable" choiceConditionName="state" dateConditionName="sys_created_at" perPage="5" displayColumnNumber="1"></listitems >

The template above displays the following list to the page:

  • No labels