Use the <activityFeed> tag to enable the Activity Feed functionality on widgets of the portal or agent interfaces.
Available attributes:
Attribute | Type | Mandatory | Description |
sysId | String | N | Specify the ID of the record that that has the Activity Feed widget. If the tag is specified near the <Form> tag, the value of this attribute is populated automatically with the value from the relevant <Form> attribute. Example <div> <Form tableName="table" sysId="100000000001"></Form> <activityFeed></activityFeed> <div> When there is no <Form> tag nearby, the values are taken from GET-parameters. If there are no GET-parameters, the Activity Feed is not displayed. |
tableName | String | N | Specify the table name (for example, "task") on which the Activity Feed widget should be enabled. If the tag is specified near the <Form> tag, the value of this attribute is populated automatically with the value from the relevant <Form> attribute. Example <div> <Form tableName="table" sysId="100000000001"></Form> <activityFeed></activityFeed> <div> When there is no <Form> tag nearby, the values are taken from GET-parameters. If there are no GET-parameters, the Activity Feed is not displayed. |
config | String | N | Configure the Activity Feed. Describe the object in JSON format, as in the examples below. Define the following parameters:
Example 1 config='{"title":"New Title","journal":"history, work_notes.task", "columns": "state, active"}' Example 2 config='{"isNotStylized":"true"}' Example 3 config='{"isNotStylized":"true", "classes": {"ActivityFeed": "new-af"}}' Example 4 config='{"classes": {"ActivityFeed": "new-af"}}' #CSS# .NewAF { border-bottom: 2px red; background-color: green; } |
isAlwaysOpened | Boolean | N | Set the value to true to make the Activity Feed widget always open. If the widget is always open, it has no chevron |
There are two ways to receive the attribute values from the URLs:
- On the specific record page, the attribute values are populated automatically.
When a specific URL is provided, the attribute values are populated out of GET-parameters.
An example of URL:
The table_name and record_id parameter values are transferred from this URL.
- The table_name parameter value is mapped to the tableName attribute.
- The record_id parameter value is mapped to the sysId attribute.
<activityFeed tableName={data.table_name} sysId={data.record_id} config={data.config}></activityFeed>
The template above displays the following element on the page:
Redefine class styles
The style of the following classes used in the config attribute can be redefined:
- GroupHeader
- NoActivities
- IconNoActivities
- Heading
- ChevronActivityFeed
- ActivityFeed
- Separator
- ActivitiesContainerWrap
- ActivitiesContainer
- ActivitiesContainerShadow
- Skeleton
- SkeletonHeading
- SkeletonTabs
- SkeletonTabsArea
- SkeletonTabsButton
- SkeletonTags
- SkeletonTagsItem
- SkeletonAct
- SkeletonActItem
- SkeletonActHeader
- SkeletonActUserPic
- SkeletonActUserName
- SkeletonActType
- SkeletonActCont
- SkeletonActInf
- Modal
- HistoryItemBlock
- HistoryItemNew
- HistoryNewTitle
- HistoryNewText
- HistoryItemOld
- HistoryOldTitle
- HistoryOldTitleBlock
- HistoryOldText
- HistoryNoFields
- HistoryUserAvatar
- HistoryShowInfo
- HistoryShowInfoButton
- HistoryIconChevron
- HistoryItem
- HistoryHeadBlock
- HistoryUser
- HistoryContent
- HistoryUserTitle
- HistoryDate
- HistoryHead
- HistoryIconComment
- HistoryTitle
- HistoryChanges
- CommentItem
- CommentUserAvatar
- SubComment
- SubCommentUserAvatar
- SubCommentBlock
- SubCommentHeader
- SubAuthorHeader
- SubCommentUpdateDate
- SubCommentText
- SubComments
- SubCommentsHeader
- SendSubCommentBlock
- SendSubCommentText
- SendSubCommentButton
- CommentShowAllButton
- CommentItemBlock
- CommentHead
- CommentUser
- CommentContent
- CommentUserTitle
- CommentDate
- CommentTitleHead
- CommentIcon
- CommentTitle
- CommentText
- TabsBlock
- Tabs
- Settings
- Tab
- TabActive
- SettingsMore
- SettingsActiveMore
- CommentsTabsSliderArrow
- CommentsTabsHeadWrap
- CommentsTabsHeadContainer
- CommentsTabsHead
- CommentTabIsRequired
- CommentTabHeadItem
- CommentTabHeadItemActive
- CommentBlock
- CommentBlockSlider
- CommentBlockTextAreaWrap
- CommentBlockTextarea
- CommentBlockButtonWrap
- CommentBlockSendButton
- ModalWrapper
- ModalWindow
- ModalHeader
- ModalText
- ModalCloseIco
- ModalBody
- SettingsMenu
- SettingsMenuModal
- SettingsConfigure
- SettingsScroll
- SettingsNoResults
- SettingsSelectAll
- SettingsMenuItemInput
- SettingsMenuItemLabel
- SettingsSmallInputIcon
- SettingsSmallInputIconHover
- SettingsSmallInputClean
- SettingsSmallInputCleanActive
- SettingsSearchContainer
- SettingsSmallInputContainer
- SettingsSmallInputContainerFocus
- SettingsSmallInput
- SettingsMenuItem
- SettingsMenuItemCheckbox
- SettingsMenuBlock
- SettingsChangeButton