Global Search allows users to find the information they need with words, word fragments, phrases, and query statements. Search operators help to make requests accurate and speed up the search process.
The global search is performed for all indexed columns configured. Learn more about the full process of column indexing and search groups and tables creating.
A global search may also be performed for text attachments.
Use the SimpleOne system properties for additional search customization. Learn how to set up the view, number, and display of search results.
Search interface
The global search interface contains the following parts:
The search bar on the top of the page.
The search results area with the navigation sidebar on the right.
Navigation bar
The Navigation bar displays the list of search groups as menu items with numbers of the search results. The search groups categorize tables by which the search is performed.
Click on the group title to preview the tables found by the search query.
Search results
The area of search results displays table records with indexed columns matching the query conditions. If a record contains few indexed columns of the values matching the query conditions, the search result displays as a single record.
To open the result record, click on its title.
Before sending the composed search request to the system database, all tables of the indexed columns are checked by the ACL Rules. Thus, the query processing and the result outputting is performed only by the fields available to a particular user.
Search bar
The search bar contains an input text field with the magnifier icon . For self-service portals, it is possible to customize the search bar location with the search widget layout. Within the agent SimpleOne system, the search bar is usually available at the top of the page.
To make a search request, follow the steps below:
Enter the query text in the search bar. Use additional operators to make an extended query statement.
Click the magnifier icon or press Enter to see the search results.
SimpleOne search operators help to build clear and exact query statements according to user needs.
Configure your queries with one and more operators below.
A *B
The asterisk operator matches any character or even any amount of characters. Therefore, it may return words or whole phrases.
Quotation marks allow searching for the exact word or phrases quoted.
This operator returns results related to both A and B.
It is very useful to apply this operator when making a query with other operators; otherwise, SimpleOne usesAND for regular searches as default.
The operator returns results related to A, or B, or both.
This operator returns results matching the A condition, excluding table records with indexed columns matching the B condition.
The operator (!) can also be used in place of "NOT".