Within SimpleOne, it is easy to configure and expand CMDB structure to make it meet all your business needs by managing the CMDB class tables. Simple One provides all necessary features and tools allowing tables full customization.
The CMDB structure is built with the configuration records, such as Configuration Items, CI Types and CI Relationships, which, in turn, are based on the relevant CMDB tables of the System Definition catalogue:
CMDB Record
CI Type
Configuration Item
CI Relationship
Basicaly, custom CMDB tables are inherited from one of these basic tables or other custom ones depending on their purposes.
CMDB Expansion guideline
Use filter or other tools to browse the tables. Basically, cmdb classes are in
go to the System Definition → All tables menu and apply the following filter conditions:
o create and add new inherited CMDB classes, to establish relationships between them and to determine class policies, as well as the attributes of control and assess.
Make your structure comprehensible and with CMDB tools. CMDB Class Wizard features help administrators to build a CMDB solution that satisfies your business needs.
Create a new class table inherited from one of the the cmdb class tables using the Creating Objects features.
Configure your class table fields and columns, establish relations with other table if it is needed.
Create new Menu Item based on the cmdb class table and add it in the CMDB catalogue.
All the CMDB records are children tables of the cmdb table. In this way, sys_cmdb_relationship determines structure and set of attributes of the CI Relationship records.
Create a new CMDB Class Table
Navigate to System Definition → All tables containing all
To add a new CMDB table use the New button
then add a class table with the . all existing tables are children of the