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When creating widget, define its form, fields, and their behavior using the structure elements. Apply html tags and react components to place areas, control elements such as buttons and fields of various types below. 


In a widget, use this attribute to designate an input field for text information. The element is similar to the react component:

<stringinput model="data.input" label="Поле для ввода значения"></stringinput>


This element adds a reference field to a widget for establishing connections with data tables by a custom reference.

<reference model="data.reference" data-table="itsm_incident"></reference>


In a widget, use this attribute to designate an input field for text information. The element is similar to the react component:

<stringinput model="data.input" label="Поле для ввода значения">


This element adds a reference field to a widget for establishing connections with data tables by a custom reference.

<reference model="data.reference" data-table="itsm_incident">


A multi-line text field. The element is similar to the react component:

<textarea label="Name" model="">


Use this attribute to add a button to your widget form. The element is similar to the react component:

<button event-click="window.s_widget_custom.showDropdown()">
	Toggle dropdown


Adds a field for items selecting.

<select model="" 
options='[{ "database_value": "1", "display_value": "Test" },
 { "database_value": "2", "display_value": "Test 2" }]'>


This element allows adding and configuring the checkbox field.


A condition field

<conditions model="data.conditions" 


поле Template

<template model="data.template" 


A field 

<list model="data.list" data-table="itsm_incident" 


The element provides a data input of the datetime format. 


Text input field in html format along with text formatting options.


модальное окно


An Authorisation widget component that contains full functionality of the user authorization including form of registration.




<attachment model="data.attachments"></attachment>



<activityfeed table_name="itsm_incident" 


A Search widget component responsible for search functionality. Configure this SimpleTag with the attributes below:

  • search_url - Ссылка на которую перейдем при поиске
  • show_title - a boolean-type attribute with possible true or false values. It is responsible for title displaying.
  • size - specifies the title size with the lg (large) or sm (small) values.
  • greeting - a message shown to a user.
  • placeholder - a text inside the search field.



	<span event-click="window.s_widget_custom.alert()">
	Test 1
	<a href="/test" target="_blank">Test 2</a>



<dropdown_widget id="some_dd_id"> 
	<button event-click="window.s_widget_custom.showDropdown()">
	Toggle dropdown
		<span event-click="window.s_widget_custom.alert()">
		Test 1
		<a href="/test" target="_blank">Test 2</a>



Add an input color field using the tag. This field allows selecting a particular color from the list of colors predefined.



This element adds a side-menu.


The element adds a text field with the code formatting.

<codemirror model="data.mirror"></codemirror>


The element adds a field that allows selecting days of week.

<daysofweek model="data.daysofweek"></daysofweek>


The tag adds a field counting the time duration.

<duration model="data.duration"></duration>


This tag allows adding the chart component.


Add this SimpleTag to display a particular report.

Specify the reportID attribute of this element to display the report with the appropriate ID.


Displays a newsfeed or announcement list that is generated by the data object recieved from the server script.

The tag requires the following object format:

{sys_id, subject, announcement_type, sys_created_at},

with the attributes below:

  • subject - an announcement message text.
  • announcement_type - a category of an announcement.
  • sys_created_at  - a date of the announcement was created.


The dynamic form creating component. It requires the following arguments recieved from the server script:

  1. table - specifies a name of the table, e.g. "sys_cmdb_ci".
  2. view - defines a name of the table template view, e.g. "record", "list", etc.
  3. (optional) sys_id - an ID of the form.
  4. (optional) buttons - form UI actions including buttons and other graphical elements.

    Specify the way UI actions displayed on the form with the attributes below:

    • header - on the top of the form;
    • bottom -;
    • link - as a link.

    Use the coma to separate 

<form table="name_table" view="name_view" 
sys_id="sys_number" buttons="header, bottom, link">


A Breadcrumbs widget component that displays a navigation chain trailing user activity.

This widget uses the object recieved from the server script to build the breadcrumbs chain with the format below:

{sys_id, title, url}.



<getlist table_name="sys_service_portal">

  • No labels