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Specify the table name that will be a parent for this column. This mandatory field is a reference to the Tables dictionary (sys_db_table).

Column type

Specify a column type. You can read more about types there: Field typesThe column type specifies the type of the data stored, also, depending on the type selected, additional tabs or fields may appear on the form (see below).

TitleA column title displayed on the form. It is preferred to be sensible and human-readable. This field is mandatory. Latin, Cyrillic, [0..9] numbers and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed.
Column name

A system column name. It is preferred to be human-readable and keep the kind of stored data. Latin letters, [0..9] numbers and the underscore symbol ( _ ) are allowed.

ActiveSelect this checkbox, and customizing of this field displayed on the form and list will be possible.
Read-onlySelect this checkbox to make the field read-only.
MandatorySelect this checkbox to make the field mandatory.
Full text searchSet this attribute equal to true to make it possible to perform a global search against the current column.
Display by ref

When a record references to another record and the table or column containing this record has the attribute Display by ref equal to TRUE, then the column value will be displayed.

By default, this attribute is set to TRUE for the sys_id column (this column contains unique IDs).

If a table contains a field that has Display by ref = TRUE, the value of this field will be displayed when referencing this table in the Reference field of the referencing table.

UniqueWhen turned on, no way to add a record with a value of this field, if a record with the same value already exists.
Type specification tab
ReferenceReference to a table. This field is mandatory for fields of the reference type (like Reference or List); for these fields, a dictionary containing values for them should be specified,
Max length(For the columns that have a String or Text type) Specify a maximum value length for this column. The value length cannot exceed allowable length for the specified data type.
This field appears when the field has a Conditions, Template, or Field Name type (one of them)
Dependent on columnReference to a column of a Reference type, which refers to the Tables (sys_db_table) table. This field is mandatory for the field of the Condition, Template. or Field Name types; for these fields, a field in the current table that references to the tables dictionary (the Tables (sys_db_table) table).
These fields appear when the column has a Choice type.
Choice tableReference to a dictionary, its values will be available for the Choice field.
Choice fieldReference to the specified field of the dictionary. its values will be available for the Choice field.
Choice type

Choice field type:

  • Dropdown with None – a drop-down list with None value. If the field is mandatory, then it will be impossible to save the form with None value.
  • Dropdown without None – a drop-down list without None value. A default value must be defined for this type of Choice.

This field is mandatory for the fields of this type.

Extra attributes

By filling this field, you become available to use extended parameters on lists and forms. Some examples:

  1. You can specify the extended operators for the Condition type column. like this:

So, these operators become available to use on the column view.

2. For the Image type columns, you can specify a maximum image width and height, like this:

This field allows to extend column properties compared to the regular.

Reference Qualifier tab
This tab appears when the column has a Reference or List type. For more information, please refer to the Reference Qualifiers article.
Default Value tab
Default value

Specify a default value that will be populated to the field when creating a new record. This field may be specified by a Javascript scenario as well, or in a case of the reference field, a dynamic qualifier may be used (see the screenshot attached).

Use dynamic defaultSelect this checkbox if you want the default value to be generated dynamically.
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