The SLM structure is determined by the relationships established among IT services, contracts, and SLAs. The contracts are described in a separate article Create Contracts.

IT services

Role required: service_owner.

For information about the Service Portfolio and how to create services, see Service Portfolio Management and Manage Services, respectively.

To set up a relationship between an IT service and an SLA, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Service Portfolio → Service Catalog (for an active service) or Service Portfolio → Service Pipeline (for an inactive or new service).
  2. Open the required IT service record and fill in the following fields.
  3. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.
Service TypeY

Specify the agreement type between the service supplier and service customer. Available options:

  • Business – this IT service is provided on a business level.

  • Operational – one of the company's departments delivers this IT service.

  • Underpinning – this IT service is provided by the third party.

  • Request – this is a sub-service within a business service in accordance with the specific typical request.

Service SpecificationY

Define internal and external articles described in the Knowledge Base, such as SLA records, service descriptions, and other articles related to the IT service. 

SLA articles

Role required:  service_catalog_manager or service_owner.

SLA articles contain formal, documented agreements signed by the service supplier and the customer in relation to a particular service. They are stored in the Knowledge Base.

To create an SLA article, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Base → All Articles.
  2. Click New and fill in the form.
    For the description of all the fields, see Article form fields.
  3. In the Content Item Class field, select SLA, OLA, or UC. In the Body field, provide the content for the SLA.
  4. Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.