The View Form Urgency Field Editor widget is a portal widget, in which the caller can see current ticket Urgency and edit it.
The Urgency can only be changed if the ticket state is Registered, Assigned, Authorization, In Progress, Information Needed, Postponed, External Processing.
You can specify if the phone number and the warning message should be displayed. You can also edit the texts and translations for the widget.
This widget is related to the Urgency column of the the Incidents (itsm_incident) and Requests (itsm_request) tables and the tables extended from them.
Widget appearance
A tooltip that contains the definition of urgency.
Current ticket urgency.
The button that allows users to change the ticket urgency.
Click Change to set a new value for the ticket urgency.
If the Very High option is selected, a warning message appears:
To add the widget to a portal page, complete the following steps:
Navigate to Portal structure → Pages. Find the required page, open the page container to which you need to add the widget, open the required row and column from the related lists.
Click New in the Widget Instances related list.
Select the "View Form Urgency Field Editor" in the Widget field.
Enter the widget options in JSON in the Schema option values field.
Specify Order, select the Active and Public checkboxes.
Click Save or Save and Exitto apply the changes.
Schema option values of View Form Urgency Field Editor widget
Possible values
Specify if the phone number should be displayed when the Urgency is set to Very High.
true, false
Specify if the warning message should be displayed when the Urgency is set to Very High.
true, false
Specify the source message displayed in the warning message before the phone number.
To change the translations "Custom warning message for urgency widget"
To use the default message "Сontact us in any available way to confirm the information"
Example of schema option values for View Form Urgency Field Editor Widget