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Role required: cmdb_manager.
The CMDB extension feature enables you to manage CIs: Add classes of CIs and equipment models specific to these classes to your CMDB structure. You can add special attributes to classes and models to define up-to-date information about assets and equipment.
The CMDB collects and stores the following items as configuration records:
- CMDB classes − groups of CIs based on their parameters.
- CMDB models − composite templates of CI parameters.
- Configuration Items − IT services and their components required for service delivery.
A CI class is a logical combination of configuration items into groups based on similar purposes and equipment characteristics. A class can have child classes. A class is an Extended Record Model (REM) that includes collections of attributes defined at the class level and derived from the class hierarchy. There are two types of attributes that can be set for classes: editable and non-editable. Editable attributes are set at the class level and can take individual values for each class CI. Non-editable attributes are set at the level of the CI configuration model and do not change until the model itself changes.
A configuration model is a composite template of filled and non-editable attribute values that are specific to certain CIs of the same class. The configuration model can be applied to various categories of CI, such as hardware and devices, software, and so on.
The picture below illustrates the CMDB structure.
Add a new CMDB class
Classes are logical combinations of CIs with similar functions, parameters, and characteristics. Class attributes are the collections of the Record Extended Model (REM) attributes for the Configuration Items (sys_cmdb_ci) table.
- One of the collections contains non-editable attributes − static for all CIs of a specific class.
- The other collection contains editable attributes, which can be changed during the CI exploitation.
To add a new class, perform the following steps:
- Navigate CMDB → CMDB Class.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.
CMDB Class form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Name | Y | Specify a name for the CMDB class. |
Description | N | Add a detailed description of the class. |
Parent CMDB class | N | Define a parent class for this class. You can only choose classes that are higher in the hierarchy or are not in the hierarchy. |
Icon | N | Attach an icon for the class. |
After the class record is saved, two actions become available on the form:
- Create model attribute – opens a window where you can create model attributes.
- Create CI attribute – opens a window where you can create CI attributes.
The created model attribute/CI attribute will appear on the Model Attributes/CI Attributes tab in the Related Lists area. In this area, you can also see models, CIs, and child classes related to the record.
New model/CI attribute form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Attribute Type | Y | Specify an attribute type. |
Title | Y | Specify a title for the attribute. |
Active | N | Select or clear the checkbox to make the attribute active or inactive. |
Mandatory | N | Select or clear the checkbox to make the attribute field mandatory or optional. |
Reference | Y | Specify a table with the values you need. The field appears when the List or Reference option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Default Value | N | Define the default value for the attribute. |
Reference Qualifier Type | N | Specify the type of the reference qualifier. Available options:
The field appears when the List or Reference option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Reference Qualifier Condition | N | Configure the filter using the condition builder. The field appears when the Simple option is specified in the Reference Qualifier Type field. |
Dynamic Reference Qualifier | N | Select the dynamic reference qualifier from the list. The field appears when the Dynamic option is specified in the Reference Qualifier Type field. |
Reference Qualifier Fixed | N | Select the checkbox to fix filters in breadcrumbs. This functionality will block the use of the condition builder functionality. The field appears when the List or Reference option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Choice Table | N | Reference to a table. The field appears when the Choice option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Choice Field | Y | Reference to a particular column of the table specified in the Choice Table field. The field appears when the Choice Table field is populated. |
Choice Type | Y | Define whether the None option is applicable for the field. Available options:
If the Dropdown without --None-- is chosen, the Default value field becomes mandatory. The field appears when the Choice option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Extra Attributes | N | Specify additional configurations for the field. For example, enter the text below to apply the radio buttons style to the choice field: choice_decorator=radio The field appears when the Choice option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
Maximum Length | N | Specify a maximum value length for the column. The value length cannot exceed the allowed length for the specified data type. The field appears when the String, Text, or URL option is specified in the Attribute Type field. |
- If you decide to create an attribute record via the form of the Attributes (sys_re_attribute) table, keep in mind that the form view should be the Default one. Refer to the Configuring attributes article to learn more.
- If you need to set up choice options for a created attribute, go to the attribute record and create choice options in the Related Lists area.
Add a new CMDB model
Models are compound templates of CI parameters. They define specific CIs features. Each class has a list of models.
For CMDB models, the Record Extended Model (REM) is used. Attribute values of the REM are model parameters. Models include all non-editable attributes of collections from all class levels. The base values of model parameters are the default values of attribute collections and their constituents.
To create a model, complete the steps below:
- Navigate CMDB → CMDB Model.
- Click New and fill in the fields.
- Click Save or Save and Exit to apply the changes.
CMDB Model form fields
Field | Mandatory | Description |
Class | Y | Define a class for the model. When the class is specified, the Technical Details tab appears with class attributes. The class cannot be changed after saving. |
Identifier | Y | Specify the identifier of the model. |
Description | N | Add a detailed description of the model. |
Icon | N | Attach an icon for the model. |
Vendor | Y | Specify the manufacturer of the model. |
Active | N | Select or clear this checkbox to make the model available or unavailable to users. |
In the Related Lists area, the CI tab displays all CIs related to the created model record.
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