A table that is used as a staging location for records importing from a data source before transforming them. Field in these tables are generated automatically based on imported data.
To create a transform map, please complete the steps below:
Navigate to the Import → Transform Maps;
Click New, fill in the form and click Save.
Transform Maps field description
Displayed transform map name.
Select this checkbox to make the transform map available to use.
Source table
Select the table containing the import set data.
Target table
Select the table where you want imported data to be placed.
Silent load
Select this checkbox to ignore business rules, client-side scripts, and other additives while the transformation inserts or updates data in the target table.
Ignore mandatory fields
Select this checkbox to ignore mandatory fields on the target table.
To create a field set, please complete the steps below:
Navigate to the Import → Transform Maps;
Open a transform map you want to configure;
In the sys_field_map related list, click New, fill in the fields and click Save.
Repeat the previous step for each field mapping.
Field set fields description
Transform map
Displays the transform map using this field set. This field is populated automatically.
Source field
Select the field of the source table to be transformed. This field is mandatory.
Target field
Select the field of the target table where the values from the source table should be stored.
When selected, the import set application attempts to match source values to records with values from an existing record. If a match is found, the transform map updates the record instead of creating a new record. When false, the import set application is always creating new records for each transformation.
Use source script
Select this checkbox to display the Script field.
Enter a script to determine the source instead of the Source field.