You can add new records in. To Create a new record press New button, and fill in the form.
Click the information icon to the left of the record's name field to view record details. To enter the filling form press Open record button in preview form.
Delete a record
To delete a record select it switching on the checkbox on the left side of the list table and then press Delete button on the right side of the top of the page.
You can delete all list records previously selecting them with the checkbox at the left under the list table.
Sort records by condition
To sort records by custom condition click the filter icon to enter Condition Builder which allows creating conditions for the collecting of the fields dynamically formed, depending on the context. Sorting records with custom filters.
Customizing list layout fields.
Users list is used to keep all information about users containing personal data, account and login setting. It allows to set up relations with other users, groups of users and company's departments.
User ID
Contains a unique user login identifier
Display Name
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
Primary Group
Password hash
Primary Group
Locked out
Sys updated at
Group list contains all groups that are used to classify users by specific attributes set by administrator. Putting users together (Keeping users in groups) provides applying actions (such as granting rights or role assignment) performed on groups automatically to all group users.
You can customize a list of visible fields with Form Layout developer tool.