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An Indication is a time counter automatically generated when the Indicator start condition met. It shows all primary timings, time points, and current state of the SLA for a particular task (an incident, a request, etc.), which allows tracking the level of the service quality target indicators.

To monitor the active service level indicators, navigate to Service Level Management → Indication.

When creating an Indication record, the system also fills in the fields of this record. Time points and timings are also automatically recalculated when the indicator counting pausescancels, or stops.

The Indication form

IndicatorAn indicator that triggered the indication creation and started the counter.
RecordAn original task that induces the SLA counting.
BreachedA marker that shows whether SLA has been breached or not.
Actual Elapsed TimeAn actual time that has elapsed since the moment of an indication creation. It only counts an actual calendar time 24/7.
Actual Elapsed PercentageA percentage of the Actual Time Elapsed to the duration specified in an Indicator according to the SLA.
Actual Time LeftAn actual time left until the SLA breaches.

The current state of an indication specified with one of the values below:

  • In progress - an indication is active and the counter is on;
  • Paused - an indication counter pauses when the system meets an Indicator pause condition;
  • Canceled - an indication cancels counting when the system meets an Indicator cancel condition;
  • Completed - an indication counter stops when the system meets stop condition, the SLA is not breached.
Pause onThe last date and time of the Indicator paused.
Pause TimeThe duration of the Indicator paused.
Business Elapsed Time

A business time that has elapsed since the moment of an indication creation. It counts the working calendar specified in the Schedule field of the original Indicator.

This field displays how much business time has passed since the task creation.

Business Elapsed PercentageA percentage of the Business Time Elapsed to the duration specified in an Indicator according to the SLA.
Business Time Left

A business time left until the SLA breaches.

Start Time

A date and time when the system has created an indication.

Complete Time

A date and time when a time counter (an indication) stopped.

Breach TimeA date and time of the SLA breach, which the system calculates, taking into the pause duration.
Original Breach TimeOriginal date and time of the SLA breach, calculated at the moment when the system creates an indication.

Indications recalculation

Sometimes indicators may no longer be valid (for example, after the cancel conditions were met). This happens because the indicator (and the indication as well) originally started with other conditions, and after that, a new indication is to be started with the same Commitment.

To simplify this process, indication recalculation was implemented.

How it works (example)

  1. An indication started, equal to four hours according to the relevant indicator.  
  2. Three hours later, due to meeting the cancel conditions, the indication has been canceled.
  3. A new indication is started.
    1. The business_elapsed_percentage parameter from the canceled indication is used to make an equation like 0%<business_elapsed_percentage <100%.

    2. If the value of this parameter meets the condition, then the new indicator duration equates to (indicator.duration*(business_elapsed_percentage/100)).

An indication is recalculated only when two conditions are met:

  1. new_indication.duration < old_indication.duration
  2. The old indication was not breached.

If any of these conditions were not met, then indication recalculation is not used, and the new indication start time is the same that of the canceled one (new_indication.started_at = old_indication.started_at)

All these activities are logged in the History (sys_history) table. To acquaint with them, please navigate to System Logs → History and open the record that is the entry of interest.

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