The name of the record called from the sys_event_register table.
The ID of the Record object.
When creating an event via calling methods ss.eventQueueor ss.eventQueueScheduled, you can pass on the Record object. The object ID will be saved in this field.
You'll be able to call on this value in the sys_event_script_action script body:
The table that contains the record specified in the Instance field.
Process on
The date and time of the sys_event_script_action script execution.
The date and time when the event has been done.
Param_1...Param_ 5
The string parameters. The values of them are callable in the sys_event_script_action script: event.param_1,event.param_2, and so on.
Event state:
ready – event is pending for execution. Execution time is specified in the Processon field.
processed – the event has been processed. Processing time is specified in the Processed field.
error – the event processing has been failed.
Processing duration ms
The sys_event_script_action script processing duration in milliseconds.
The event originator.
The Related List on the form event contains the list of all scripts from the sys_event_script_action table, that will be executed (or has been executed).