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In SimpleOne, navigation is based on these entities:

  • Categories (they are physically stored in the Menu Category (sys_menu_category) table);
  • Category items (that are a child for the categories, they are physically stored in the Menu item (sys_menu_item) table).

Role required: admin.

To create a new category, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definition -> Menu Categories and click Edit (the pencil icon);
  2. Click New, fill in the form and then click Save.

To create a new category item, please follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to System Definition -> Menu Categories and click Edit (the pencil icon);
  2. Find the Menu Item tab in the Related lists area;
  3. Click New, fill in the form and then click Save

The less comfortable wayto add a menu item is listed below.

  1. Navigate to System Definition -> Menu Items and click Edit (the pencil icon);
  2. Click New, fill in the form and then click Save.

The Service Portfolio category can be taken as an example. 

The Edit button is shown with a pencil icon.

This functionality allows to modify the properties of the category or category item. After clicking it the property editing form will be displayed.

Menu category form fields

TitleDisplayed category title.
ActiveSelect this checkbox to activate the category.
OrderCategory order in the interface (categories are arranged in the ascending order).
HintText hint.
DescriptionBrief category description,
User rolesUser roles that should have access to the category can be specified here. If the list will be left blank, then the category will be available to all users.

If you are editing a menu item, you will get the another set of fields.

Menu item

ActiveSelect this checkbox to make the element active or inactive.
OrderThe element order in the interface (elements are sorted in the ascending order).
Default tab
TitleDisplayed category title.
CategoryThe parent category of the item. Move it from one parent category to another, clicking the dictionary icon and choosing the new category from the list appeared.
HintA text hint.
User rolesUser roles that should have access to the category can be specified here. If the list will be left blank, then the category will be available to all users.
URLEnter a URL for if a navigation item should lead to the external source.
ImageUpload an icon for your category,
Link type tab
Table_idThe sys_id of the record in the sys_db_table table, the table category item refers to.
Link typeThe Choice field. Available options: List of Records or Record.

The Conditions field. It represents a filter widget. It allows to tune up a filter that will be applied to a list view.


  • The filter allows to specify several conditions;
  • It is possible to create AND/OR constructions;
  • It is possible to add sorting.

The "Favorites" functionality provides the ability of quick access to the frequently used categories, category items, and also filters. List of favorites items is available in the "Favorites" tab marked with the star icon. Every user has his own Favorites. Physically, they are stored in the sys_menu_favorite table.

To add a category or category item into the Favorites. click a star near it (in other words, star it). Also, you can add a filter of the list view that was prepared earlier to the Favorites. For this, just drag and drop it to the Favorites navigation tab.

There are two ways to delete the category, category item or the filter from Favorites:

(applicable for categories, category items and filters)

  • When you are in Favorites, click the Delete icon in front of the desired item.

(applicable for categories and category items)

  • When you are in the Categories tab, unstar the item you want to delete from Favorites.

Note: to update information about the items in Favorites, you need to refresh the page.

  • No labels