Role required: admin.
Choice list translation
To localize a choice list, please complete the steps below:
- Navigate to {your_instance_url}/list/sys_choice
- Click New, fill in the form and click Save.
Translated choice option form fields
Field | Description |
Table | Specify the table to which this choice option is related to. Select the same table for the translated version as for the original one. |
Column | Specify the column to which this choice option is related to. Select the same column for the translated version as for the original one. |
Title | Type the translation of the source field there. |
Language | In there, specify the two-symbol name of the language (ru, en, and so on). |
Value | Type the same value as specified for the source field. |
Order | Enter the number to define the option order in the choice list. |
Hint | Text hint. This field is not mandatory. |
Localizing other interface elements
Please check before started that all needed languages are created in the Languages (sys_language) table.
To localize any interface element except for the choice option (for example, field name, menu item, etc), please complete the steps below:
- Navigate to {your_instance_url}/list/sys_translation
- Click New, fill in the form and click Save.
Translated text form fields
Field | Description |
Language | In this reference field, specify the language of the translation (ru, en, and so on). Generally, references to languages are stored in the Languages (sys_language) table. |
Value | Type the translation of the source field there. |
Column | In this reference field, specify the column containing the field being translating. |
Record | Type the ID of the record which should be translated. |