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Role required: admin.

Choice list translation

To localize a choice list, please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to {your_instance_url}/list/sys_choice
  2. Click New, fill in the form and click Save.

Translated choice option form fields


Specify the table to which this choice option is related to.

Select the same table for the translated version as for the original one.


Specify the column to which this choice option is related to.

Select the same column for the translated version as for the original one.

TitleType the translation of the source field there.
LanguageIn there, specify the two-symbol name of the language (ru, en, and so on).
ValueType the same value as specified for the source field.
OrderEnter the number to define the option order in the choice list.
HintText hint. This field is not mandatory.

Localizing other interface elements

Please check before started that all needed languages are created in the Languages (sys_language) table.

To localize any interface element except for the choice option (for example, field name, menu item, etc), please complete the steps below:

  1. Navigate to {your_instance_url}/list/sys_translation
  2. Click New, fill in the form and click Save.

Translated text form fields

LanguageIn this reference field, specify the language of the translation (ru, en, and so on). Generally, references to languages are stored in the Languages (sys_language) table.
ValueType the translation of the source field there.
ColumnIn this reference field, specify the column containing the field being translating.
RecordType the ID of the record which should be translated.

Перевод полей типа Translated Text

Для перевода поля типа Translated Text необходимо создать запись в таблице sys_translation, заполнив поля записи следующим образом:

  • в column_id добавить ссылку на колонку типа Translated Text, для которой мы хотим добавить перевод
  • в record_id добавить id записи, для которой мы хотим добавить перевод
  • в language_id добавить ссылку на нужный язык в таблице sys_language
  • в поле value добавить значение на нужном языке

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