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This widget is used to add model attributes to a form. The use case is when the administrator needs to extend a record form in the agent interface. The tag must be specified in the Template field of the widget.

The following attributes are applicable:

isUserScriptsBooleanNThis attribute allows to enable client scripts execution. The default value is 'true'.
isPortalBooleanNThis attribute allows declaring that this widget should be displayed on the portal.
modelIdStringNThis attribute allows to specify RE model ID.
recordIdStringNThis attribute allows to specify an ID of existing record to extend.

This attribute specifies the display settings (size, font, color, and etc.) of the widget elements using the CSS syntax.

tableNameStringYThis attribute allows to specify a table containing the extending record.
<rem modelId="{data.model_id}" tableName="{data.table_name}" recordId ="{data.record_id}" />
( () => {
    window.s_widget_custom = window.s_widget_custom || {};
    const modelId = new URLSearchParams('model_id'); // Getting model id from URL
    //Setting model from model_id URL parameter so new record knows from which model to add attributes
    s_widget.setFieldValue('model_id', modelId);
    // Setting table name and record ID of existing record in order to find a model
    s_widget.setFieldValue('table_name', window.s_form.getTableName());
    s_widget.setFieldValue('record_id', window.s_form.getUniqueValue());
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