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This field type stores the date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD to within 1 day and not specifying the time of the day. The size of the data stored is 4 bytes.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date picker.

A date can be written in three different ways:

  • YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601 format)

Available symbols in this field:

  • Numbers
  • Slash ( / )
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Dot ( . )

Date elements are validated to meet the following criteria:

Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[0001..9999]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Date Time

This field type stores the timestamp measured in seconds.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

The datetime can be written in the ISO 8601 format like shown below:


Datetime elements are validated to meet the following criteria:


The value specified should not exceed this range.


The value specified should not exceed this range.

Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1900..2099]The value specified should not exceed this range.

Date Time Specific

This field type stores the timestamp measured in seconds.

In SimpleOne interface, it is displayed as an input field with a date and time picker.

This field type is mainly used in Schedules

In contrast to the Date Time field type, this field type uses the UTC offset parameter defined in the system timezone. 

The datetime can be written in the ISO 8601 format like shown below:


Datetime elements are validated to meet the following criteria:

Second[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Minute[00..59]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Hour[00..23]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Day[01..31]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Month[01..12]The value specified should not exceed this range.
Year[1900..2099]The value specified should not exceed this range.

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